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Sigma KEE - electricityImportInPeriod

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation electricityImportInPeriod EnglishLanguage "(electricityImportInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD) means that the GeopoliticalArea ?AREA imported the total ?AMOUNT of electricity (measured in KilowattHours) during the TimeInterval indicated by ?PERIOD.") Economy.kif 2301-2305
(domain electricityImportInPeriod 1 GeopoliticalArea) Economy.kif 2297-2297 The number 1 argument of electricity import in period is an instance of geopolitical area
(domain electricityImportInPeriod 2 PhysicalQuantity) Economy.kif 2298-2298 The number 2 argument of electricity import in period is an instance of physical quantity
(domainSubclass electricityImportInPeriod 3 TimeInterval) Economy.kif 2299-2299 The number 3 argument of electricity import in period is a subclass of time interval
(instance electricityImportInPeriod TernaryPredicate) Economy.kif 2296-2296 electricity import in period is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage electricityImportInPeriod "%1 %p{是} %n{不是} 对于 %3 在周期 %2 的 electricity 输出") domainEnglishFormat.kif 879-879
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage electricityImportInPeriod "%1 %p{是} %n{不是} 對於 %3 在週期 %2 的 electricity 輸出") domainEnglishFormat.kif 878-878
(format EnglishLanguage electricityImportInPeriod "%1 %p{is} %n{isn't} electricity import in period %2 for %3") domainEnglishFormat.kif 877-877
(termFormat ChineseLanguage electricityImportInPeriod "电力进口期间") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21623-21623
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage electricityImportInPeriod "電力進口期間") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21622-21622
(termFormat EnglishLanguage electricityImportInPeriod "electricity import in period") domainEnglishFormat.kif 21621-21621


        (electricityImportInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD)
            (subclass ?PERIOD Year)
            (subclass ?PERIOD
                (FiscalYearFn ?AREA))))
    (exists (?YEAR)
            (instance ?YEAR ?PERIOD)
            (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (annualElectricityImport ?AREA ?AMOUNT)))))
Economy.kif 2317-2326


        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
            (annualElectricityImport ?AREA ?AMOUNT))
        (instance ?YEAR ?PERIOD)
            (subclass ?PERIOD Year)
            (subclass ?PERIOD
                (FiscalYearFn ?AREA))))
    (electricityImportInPeriod ?AREA ?AMOUNT ?PERIOD))
Economy.kif 2328-2335

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