containsFormula |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation containsFormula EnglishLanguage "The analogue to containsInformation for a Formula. The Formula is contained in or expressed by the Physical. This could capture the relation between a stop sign and the fact that it expresses the directive to stop moving momentarily, or that a Waving signifies a friendly greeting.") | Merge.kif 1373-1377 | |
(domain containsFormula 1 ContentBearingPhysical) | Merge.kif 1367-1367 | The number 1 argument of contains formula is an instance of content bearing physical |
(domain containsFormula 2 Formula) | Merge.kif 1368-1368 | The number 2 argument of contains formula is an instance of formula |
(instance containsFormula BinaryPredicate) | Merge.kif 1366-1366 | contains formula is an instance of binary predicate |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage containsFormula "%1 contains the formula %2") | Merge.kif 1371-1371 | |
(relatedInternalConcept containsInformation containsFormula) | Merge.kif 1369-1369 | contains information is internally related to contains formula |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage containsFormula "contains formula") | Merge.kif 1370-1370 | contains information is internally related to contains formula |
antecedent |
(=> (and (subclass ?PLATFORM PartyPlatform) (authors ?PARTY ?PLATFORM) (instance ?PARTY PoliticalParty) (instance ?INST ?PLATFORM) (containsFormula ?INST ?P)) (believes ?PARTY ?P)) |
Government.kif 2295-2302 |
consequent |