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Sigma KEE - component

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation component ChineseLanguage "这是对复合物各个不同部分的一个专业常识概念。 (component ?COMPONENT ?WHOLE) 的意思是 ?COMPONENT 是 ?WHOLE 的组件。 组件的例子包括房子的门 和墙壁、国家的州或省,与动物的四肢和器官。 可参考比较 part 的另外一个子关系 piece。") chinese_format.kif 1578-1580
(documentation component EnglishLanguage "A specialized common sense notion of part for heterogeneous parts of complexes. (component ?COMPONENT ?WHOLE) means that ?COMPONENT is a component of ?WHOLE. Examples of component include the doors and walls of a house, the states or provinces of a country, or the limbs and organs of an animal. Compare piece, which is also a subrelation of part.") Merge.kif 970-975
(documentation component JapaneseLanguage "複合体の不均一な部品の専門常識の概念。 (component ?COMPONENT ?WHOLE) とは、?COMPONENTが?WHOLEのコンポーネント、という意味である。コンポーネントの 例として、家のドアや壁、国の州、または動物の手足や臓器など。 part の下位関係である piece を を比較する。") japanese_format.kif 153-156
(documentation component SpanishLanguage "Una noción especializada de sentido común para las partes heterogéneas de un complejo. (component ?COMPONENT ?WHOLE) significa que ?COMPONENT is un componente de ?WHOLE. Ejemplos de componente incluyen las puertas y los paredes de una casa, los estados o las provencias de un país, y los miembros y los órganos del cuerpo de un animal. Compare con piece, por la que es también una subrelación de part.") spanish_format.kif 178-183
(domain component 1 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 967-967 The number 1 argument of component is an instance of corpuscular object
(domain component 2 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 968-968 The number 2 argument of component is an instance of corpuscular object
(instance component BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 966-966 component is an instance of binary predicate
(subrelation component part) Merge.kif 965-965 component is a subrelation of part

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage component "%1 %n 是 %2 的 component") chinese_format.kif 75-75
(format EnglishLanguage component "%1 is %n a component of %2") english_format.kif 75-75
(format FrenchLanguage component "%1 est %n un composant de %2") french_format.kif 62-62
(format ItalianLanguage component "%1 è %n un componente di%2") relations-it.txt 48-48
(format JapaneseLanguage component "%1 は %2 の component では %n") japanese_format.kif 1886-1886
(format PortugueseLanguage component "%1 e' %n um componente de %2") portuguese_format.kif 14-14
(format cz component "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} a component of %2") relations-cz.txt 67-67
(format de component "%1 ist ein bestandteil von %2 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 83-83
(format hi component "%1 %2 kaa ghaTaka %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 90-90
(format ro component "%1 %n{nu} este o component%t{componentã} a lui %2") relations-ro.kif 81-81
(format sv component "%1 är %n{inte} en komponent till %2") relations-sv.txt 61-61
(format tg component "%1 %n ay ang sangkap ng %2") relations-cb.txt 82-82
(subrelation powerComponent component) Mid-level-ontology.kif 1729-1729 power component is a subrelation of component
(termFormat ChineseLanguage component "组件") chinese_format.kif 76-76 power component is a subrelation of component
(termFormat ChineseLanguage component "零件") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16216-16216 power component is a subrelation of component
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage component "零件") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16215-16215 power component is a subrelation of component
(termFormat EnglishLanguage component "component") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16214-16214 power component is a subrelation of component
(termFormat de component "bestandteil") terms-de.txt 22-22 power component is a subrelation of component
(termFormat tg component "sangkap") relations-tg.txt 113-113 power component is a subrelation of component


        (instance ?Archipelago Archipelago)
        (component ?Part ?Archipelago))
    (instance ?Part Island))
Geography.kif 5845-5849
        (instance ?DEVICE GameIODevice)
        (instance ?ACCELEROMETER Accelerometer)
        (component ?ACCELEROMETER ?DEVICE))
    (instance ?DEVICE GameIODeviceWithAccelerometer))
ComputerInput.kif 641-646
        (instance ?KEY ComputerKeyboardKey)
        (instance ?KEYBOARD1 ComputerKeyboard_Generic)
        (component ?KEY ?KEYBOARD1)
        (instance ?KEYBOARD2 ComputerKeyboard_Generic)
        (component ?KEY ?KEYBOARD2))
    (equal ?KEYBOARD1 ?KEYBOARD2))
ComputerInput.kif 251-258
        (instance ?MID MiddleCIButton)
        (component ?MID ?DEV)
        (instance ?DEV ComputerInputDevice))
    (exists (?LEFT ?RIGHT)
            (instance ?RIGHT RightCIButton)
            (instance ?LEFT LeftCIButton)
            (component ?RIGHT ?DEV)
            (component ?LEFT ?DEV)
            (between ?LEFT ?MID ?RIGHT)
            (orientation ?MID ?LEFT Left)
            (orientation ?MID ?RIGHT Right))))
ComputerInput.kif 224-237
        (instance ?P DigitalPost)
        (instance ?A AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?W WebSite)
        (component ?P ?W)
        (creator ?A ?P)
        (registeredUser ?A ?W))
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (exists (?D)
                (instance ?D Disseminating)
                (agent ?D ?A)
                (patient ?D ?P)
                (instrument ?D ?W)))))
ComputerInput.kif 2830-2844
        (instance ?PAGE SearchResultsPage)
        (instance ?RESULTS SRPResults)
        (component ?RESULTS ?PAGE))
                (KappaFn ?CLICK
                        (instance ?CLICK RequestingHyperlink)
                        (patient ?CLICK ?ELEMENT)
                        (destination ?CLICK ?LINKEDPAGE)
                        (instance ?ELEMENT HypertextLink)
                        (component ?ELEMENT ?PAGE)
                            (instance ?LINKEDPAGE ProductDescriptionPage)
                            (instance ?LINKEDPAGE ViewItemPage)))))
            (ListLengthFn ?RESULTS))
        (SRPEngagementFn ?PAGE)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3721-3739
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
        (component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
        (patient ?ADVERTISING ?ITEM)
        (instance ?ITEM Physical))
            (instance ?STATING Stating)
            (patient ?STATING ?DESCRIPTION)
            (refers ?DESCRIPTION ?ITEM)
            (part ?DESCRIPTIONCONTENT ?PAGE))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2078-2091
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite)
        (component ?PAGE ?SITE))
    (exists (?ITEM ?ADVERTISING)
            (instance ?ITEM Object)
            (instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
            (component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
            (hostedOn ?ADVERTISING ?SITE)
            (patient ?ADVERTISING ?ITEM))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2065-2076
        (instance ?REQUEST ViewItemRequest)
        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (instance ?LISTING Advertising)
        (subProcess ?ACCESSING ?REQUEST)
        (component ?PAGE ?LISTING)
        (destination ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
        (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT))
    (viewedListing ?AGENT ?LISTING))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1570-1581
        (instance ?RIGHT PhysicalRightCIButton)
        (component ?RIGHT ?DEV)
        (instance ?DEV ComputerInputDevice))
    (exists (?LEFT)
            (instance ?LEFT PhysicalLeftCIButton)
            (component ?LEFT ?DEV)
            (orientation ?RIGHT ?LEFT Left))))
ComputerInput.kif 204-213
        (instance ?SOIL Soil)
        (attribute ?SOIL Red)
        (instance ?AREA LandArea)
        (component ?SOIL ?AREA))
    (attribute ?AREA FertileTerrain))
Geography.kif 1843-1849
        (instance ?SOIL Soil)
        (attribute ?SOIL Yellow)
        (instance ?AREA LandArea)
        (component ?SOIL ?AREA))
        (attribute ?AREA FertileTerrain)))
Geography.kif 1835-1841
        (instance ?System HardwareSystem)
        (component ?Network ?System)
        (instance ?Event DataTransfer)
        (origin ?Event ?System))
        (instance ?Network ComputerNetwork)
        (instrument ?Event ?Network)))
QoSontology.kif 326-334
        (instance ?VISITS Collection)
        (instance ?HYPERLINK HypertextLink)
        (forall (?ACCESSING)
                (member ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
                    (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
                    (component ?PAGE ?HYPERLINK)))))
    (exists (?CLICKS)
            (instance ?CLICKS Collection)
            (forall (?CLICK)
                        (instance ?CLICK RequestingHyperlink)
                        (patient ?CLICK ?HYPERLINK))
                    (member ?CLICK ?CLICKS)))
                (ClickThroughRateFn ?VISITS ?HYPERLINK)
                    (CardinalityFn ?CLICKS)
                    (CardinalityFn ?VISITS))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3333-3356
        (instance ?X Bed)
        (component ?BEDFRAME ?X)
        (instance ?BEDFRAME BedFrame)
        (component ?MATTRESS ?X)
        (instance ?MATTRESS Mattress))
    (orientation ?MATTRESS ?BEDFRAME On))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4047-4054


    (instance ?Hardware ComputerHardware)
    (exists (?Computer)
            (instance ?Computer Computer)
            (component ?Hardware ?Computer))))
QoSontology.kif 63-68 A corpuscular object is an instance of computer hardware if and only if there exists another corpuscular object such that the other corpuscular object is an instance of computer and the corpuscular object is a component of the other corpuscular object
    (instance ?VERT Vertebrate)
    (exists (?SPINE)
            (instance ?VERT Animal)
            (component ?SPINE ?VERT)
            (instance ?SPINE SpinalColumn))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11162-11168 A corpuscular object is an instance of vertebrate if and only if there exists another corpuscular object such that the corpuscular object is an instance of animal and the other corpuscular object is a component of the corpuscular object and the other corpuscular object is an instance of spinal column
        (inList ?ITEM ?RESULTS)
        (instance ?RESULTS SRPResults))
    (exists (?SRP)
            (instance ?SRP SearchResultsPage)
            (component ?RESULTS ?SRP))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2491-2498
        (instance ?MID MiddleCIButton)
        (component ?MID ?DEV)
        (instance ?DEV ComputerInputDevice))
    (exists (?LEFT ?RIGHT)
            (instance ?RIGHT RightCIButton)
            (instance ?LEFT LeftCIButton)
            (component ?RIGHT ?DEV)
            (component ?LEFT ?DEV)
            (between ?LEFT ?MID ?RIGHT)
            (orientation ?MID ?LEFT Left)
            (orientation ?MID ?RIGHT Right))))
ComputerInput.kif 224-237
        (instance ?PAGE SearchResultsPage)
        (instance ?RESULTS SRPResults)
        (component ?RESULTS ?PAGE))
                (KappaFn ?CLICK
                        (instance ?CLICK RequestingHyperlink)
                        (patient ?CLICK ?ELEMENT)
                        (destination ?CLICK ?LINKEDPAGE)
                        (instance ?ELEMENT HypertextLink)
                        (component ?ELEMENT ?PAGE)
                            (instance ?LINKEDPAGE ProductDescriptionPage)
                            (instance ?LINKEDPAGE ViewItemPage)))))
            (ListLengthFn ?RESULTS))
        (SRPEngagementFn ?PAGE)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3721-3739
        (instance ?PAGE ViewItemPage)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite)
        (component ?PAGE ?SITE))
    (exists (?ITEM ?ADVERTISING)
            (instance ?ITEM Object)
            (instance ?ADVERTISING WebListing)
            (component ?ADVERTISING ?PAGE)
            (hostedOn ?ADVERTISING ?SITE)
            (patient ?ADVERTISING ?ITEM))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2065-2076
        (instance ?RIGHT PhysicalRightCIButton)
        (component ?RIGHT ?DEV)
        (instance ?DEV ComputerInputDevice))
    (exists (?LEFT)
            (instance ?LEFT PhysicalLeftCIButton)
            (component ?LEFT ?DEV)
            (orientation ?RIGHT ?LEFT Left))))
ComputerInput.kif 204-213
        (instance ?Range MountainRange)
        (part ?Mountain1 ?Range))
    (exists (?Mountain2)
            (component ?Mountain2 ?Range)
            (instance ?Mountain2 Mountain)
            (meetsSpatially ?Mountain1 ?Mountain2))))
Geography.kif 4016-4024
        (instance ?W VehicleWheel)
        (instance ?V RoadVehicle)
        (part ?W ?V))
    (exists (?A)
            (instance ?A Axle)
            (component ?A ?V)
            (connected ?W ?A))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3531-3540
    (attribute ?X WaterBed)
    (exists (?MATTRESS ?WATER)
            (component ?MATTRESS ?X)
            (contains ?MATTRESS ?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER Water))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4107-4113
    (capability Breathing experiencer ?ANIMAL)
    (exists (?LUNG)
            (component ?LUNG ?ANIMAL)
            (instance ?LUNG Lung))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11409-11414
    (homePage ?PAGE ?SITE)
    (component ?PAGE ?SITE))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1975-1977
    (instance ?BACTERIUM Bacterium)
    (exists (?CELL1)
            (component ?CELL1 ?BACTERIUM)
            (instance ?CELL1 Cell)
            (forall (?CELL2)
                        (component ?CELL2 ?BACTERIUM)
                        (instance ?CELL2 Cell))
                    (equal ?CELL1 ?CELL2))))))
Merge.kif 14505-14516
    (instance ?BOOK Book)
    (exists (?SHEET1 ?SHEET2)
            (component ?SHEET1 ?BOOK)
            (component ?SHEET2 ?BOOK)
            (instance ?SHEET1 PrintedSheet)
            (instance ?SHEET2 PrintedSheet)
                (equal ?SHEET1 ?SHEET2)))))
Media.kif 1075-1083
    (instance ?BOOK HardcopyDocument)
    (exists (?SHEET)
            (component ?SHEET ?BOOK)
            (instance ?SHEET PrintedSheet))))
Media.kif 1039-1044
    (instance ?C Crane)
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H HoistingDevice)
            (component ?H ?C))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2466-2471
    (instance ?COMP EngineeringComponent)
    (exists (?DEVICE)
            (instance ?DEVICE Device)
            (component ?COMP ?DEVICE))))
Merge.kif 16138-16143
    (instance ?CONCRETE Concrete)
    (exists (?PART)
            (instance ?PART Cement)
            (component ?PART ?CONCRETE))))
Economy.kif 5910-5915
    (instance ?CONCRETE Concrete)
    (exists (?PART)
            (instance ?PART Mineral)
            (component ?PART ?CONCRETE))))
Economy.kif 5903-5908
    (instance ?DISK InternalHardDisk)
    (exists (?DRIVE)
            (instance ?DRIVE HardDiskDrive)
            (component ?DISK ?DRIVE))))
ComputerInput.kif 675-680
    (instance ?J BodyJoint)
    (exists (?S ?P1 ?P2)
            (instance ?S Skeleton)
            (component ?P1 ?S)
            (component ?P2 ?S)
            (component ?J ?S)
            (connects ?J ?P1 ?P2))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11925-11933
    (instance ?KEYBOARD ComputerKeyboard_Generic)
    (exists (?KEY)
            (instance ?KEY ComputerKeyboardKey)
            (component ?KEY ?KEYBOARD))))
ComputerInput.kif 262-267
    (instance ?MODULE WebPageModule)
    (exists (?PAGE)
            (instance ?PAGE WebPage)
            (component ?MODULE ?PAGE))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1989-1994
    (instance ?NUCLEUS AtomicNucleus)
    (exists (?NEUTRON ?PROTON)
            (component ?NEUTRON ?NUCLEUS)
            (component ?PROTON ?NUCLEUS)
            (instance ?NEUTRON Neutron)
            (instance ?PROTON Proton))))
Merge.kif 1149-1156
    (instance ?OBJ TapeCassette)
    (exists (?TAPE)
            (instance ?TAPE RecordingTape)
            (component ?TAPE ?OBJ))))
Media.kif 1309-1314

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners