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Sigma KEE - ZygomaticMajorMuscle
ZygomaticMajorMuscle(zygomatic major muscle)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ZygomaticMajorMuscle EnglishLanguage "The ZygomaticMajorMuscle draws angle of Mouth upward and laterally.") Muscles.kif 324-324
(muscleInsertion ZygomaticMajorMuscle ModiolusOfMouth) Muscles.kif 321-321 The insertion point of zygomatic major muscle is ModiolusOfMouth
(muscleOrigin ZygomaticMajorMuscle ZygomaticBoneInRegionOfZygomaticomaxillarySuture) Muscles.kif 320-320 The origin of zygomatic major muscle is ZygomaticBoneInRegionOfZygomaticomaxillarySuture
(subclass ZygomaticMajorMuscle Muscle) Muscles.kif 318-318 Zygomatic major muscle is a subclass of muscle

appearance as argument number 2

(ennervates BuccalBranchOfFacialNerveCNVII ZygomaticMajorMuscle) Muscles.kif 323-323 ennervates buccal branch of facial nerve [CNVII] and zygomatic major muscle
(suppliesBlood FacialArtery ZygomaticMajorMuscle) Muscles.kif 322-322 suppliesBlood facial artery and zygomatic major muscle
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ZygomaticMajorMuscle "zygomatic major muscle") Muscles.kif 319-319 suppliesBlood facial artery and zygomatic major muscle

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