WithHousekeepingPolicy(with housekeeping) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation WithHousekeepingPolicy EnglishLanguage "WithHousekeepingPolicy means that RoomCleaning is not done for the duration of a guest stay at a TravelerAccommodation") | Hotel.kif 2700-2701 | |
(subclass WithHousekeepingPolicy HousekeepingPolicy) | Hotel.kif 2699-2699 | With housekeeping is a subclass of housekeeping policy |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WithHousekeepingPolicy "with housekeeping") | Hotel.kif 2702-2702 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?POLICY WithHousekeepingPolicy) (policyOwner ?AGENT ?POLICY) (attribute ?AGENT TravelerAccommodation)) (modalAttribute (exists (?GUEST ?ROOM) (and (guest ?GUEST ?AGENT) (holdsDuring (WhenFn (stays ?GUEST ?ROOM)) (exists (?CLEAN) (and (instance ?CLEAN RoomCleaningService) (patient ?CLEAN ?ROOM)))))) Likely)) |
Hotel.kif 2704-2719 |