WireCoil(wire coil) | primary, primary_coil, primary_winding, secondary, secondary_coil, secondary_winding, spark_coil |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation WireCoil EnglishLanguage "A length of Wire wound in a set of Circles or Polygons, intended to conduct Electricity, and often used in the construction of ElectricalTransformers.") | Cars.kif 3047-3049 | |
(subclass WireCoil Wire) | Cars.kif 3045-3045 | Wire coil is a subclass of wire |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WireCoil "wire coil") | Cars.kif 3046-3046 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain coilCount 1 WireCoil) | Cars.kif 3096-3096 | The number 1 argument of coil count is an instance of wire coil |
antecedent |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?ET ElectricalTransformer) (exists (?WC1 ?WC2) (and (instance ?WC1 WireCoil) (instance ?WC2 WireCoil) (part ?WC1 ?ET) (part ?WC2 ?ET)))) |
Cars.kif 3070-3077 |