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WineTasting WineTasting
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WindowsOS2 (Windows 2.0) weatherThreat (weather threat)
WindowsOS3 (Windows 3) webPageURL (url)
WindowsOS95 (Windows 95) webPurchases (web purchases)
WindowsVista (Windows Vista) webSales (web sales)
WindowsXP (Windows XP) webSeller (web seller)
Windshield (windshield) webStoreAdvertisement (web store advertisement)
Windstorm (windstorm) webVisitor (web visitor)
WindwardCaribbeanCreoleEnglishLanguage (windward caribbean creole english language) webcart (web cart)
Windy (windy) weddingAnniversary (weddingAnniversary)
Wine (wine) weddingdate (weddingdate)
WineAndDistilledAlcoholicBeverageWholesalers (wine and distilled alcoholic beverage wholesalers) weight (weight)
WineCase (wine case) width (width)
WineGrape (wine grape) wife (wife)
WineGrapeVineyards (wine grape vineyards) windDrivenMotion (wind driven motion)
WineMenu (wine list) windRelativePosition (wind relative position)
WineTasting wineTasting
Wineries (wineries) witness (witness)
Winery (winery) workAddress (work address)
Wing (wing) workLocation (work location)
WingDevice (wing device) workPhoneNumber (work phone number)
Winking (winking) year (year)
WinnebagoLanguage (winnebago language) yearBuilt (year built)
WinterSeason (winter season) yearOfFounding (year of founding)
Wire (wire) yield (yield)
WireCoil (wire coil) yieldLevel (yield level)
WireLine (wire line) ()
WireSpring (wire spring) ()
WiredInternetConnection (internet) ()
WiredTelecommunicationsCarriers (wired telecommunications carriers) ()
WirelessInternetConnection (wireless internet) ()
WirelessNetwork (wireless network) ()
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