WindowScrollingByUser(window scrolling by user) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation WindowScrollingByUser EnglishLanguage "WindowScrollingByUser consists of moving the contents of a frame in a window (when the logical size of the contents is greater than that of the frame) without moving the window itself.") | ComputerInput.kif 1785-1787 | |
(subclass WindowScrollingByUser UserSignifiedGraphicalAction) | ComputerInput.kif 1784-1784 | Window scrolling by user is a subclass of user signified graphical action |
(subclass WindowScrollingByUser WindowScrolling) | ComputerInput.kif 1783-1783 | Window scrolling by user is a subclass of window scrolling |
(udaCanSignify (IntersectionFn MouseButtonHoldDown SlidingComputerInputDeviceAction) WindowScrollingByUser) |
ComputerInput.kif 1805-1806 | The union of mouse button hold down and sliding computer input device action isgnifies window scrolling by user |
(udaCanSignify (PressingKeyFn ArrowKey) WindowScrollingByUser) |
ComputerInput.kif 1808-1808 | Pressing the arrow key key isgnifies window scrolling by user |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WindowScrollingByUser "window scrolling by user") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65785-65785 | |
(udaCanSignify ScrollWheelRotating WindowScrollingByUser) | ComputerInput.kif 1807-1807 | Scroll wheel rotating isgnifies window scrolling by user |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrollingByUser) (exists (?WINDOW) (and (patient ?SCROLL ?WINDOW) (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow) (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_ActiveState)))) |
ComputerInput.kif 1797-1803 |
consequent |
(<=> (and (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrolling) (instance ?SCROLL UserSignifiedGraphicalAction)) (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrollingByUser)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1789-1793 | An entity is an instance of window scrolling and the entity is an instance of user signified graphical action if and only if the entity is an instance of window scrolling by user |
statement |
(udaCanSignify (PressingKeyFn DownArrowKey) (IntersectionFn VerticalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1815-1816 | Pressing the down arrow key key isgnifies the union of vertical window scrolling and window scrolling by user |
(udaCanSignify (PressingKeyFn LeftArrowKey) (IntersectionFn HorizontalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1824-1825 | Pressing the left arrow key key isgnifies the union of horizontal window scrolling and window scrolling by user |
(udaCanSignify (PressingKeyFn RightArrowKey) (IntersectionFn HorizontalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1822-1823 | Pressing the right arrow key key isgnifies the union of horizontal window scrolling and window scrolling by user |
(udaCanSignify (PressingKeyFn UpArrowKey) (IntersectionFn VerticalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser)) |
ComputerInput.kif 1813-1814 | Pressing the up arrow key key isgnifies the union of vertical window scrolling and window scrolling by user |