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Sigma KEE - WheatFlour
WheatFlour(wheat flour)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation WheatFlour EnglishLanguage "WheatFlour is prepared from WheatGrain. Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain that is a worldwide staple food. The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum / ˈtrɪtɪkəm/ ; CommonWheatFlour (T.aestivum) is the flour most often used for making BreadOrBiscuits. Durum wheat flour (T.durum) is the second most used. There are also Semolina and Spelt flour. [wikiepedia]") Food.kif 1491-1496
(initialPart WheatFlour WheatGrain) Food.kif 1490-1490 Every wheat flour is initially part of a wheat grain
(subclass WheatFlour Flour) Food.kif 1489-1489 Wheat flour is a subclass of flour
(typicalPart WheatFlour BreadOrBiscuit) Food.kif 1556-1556 A wheat flour is typically a part of a bread or biscuit

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CommonWheatFlour WheatFlour) Food.kif 1503-1503 Common wheat flour is a subclass of wheat flour
(subclass DurumWheatFlour WheatFlour) Food.kif 1512-1512 Durum wheat flour is a subclass of wheat flour
(subclass SemolinaFlour WheatFlour) Food.kif 1519-1519 Semolina flour is a subclass of wheat flour
(subclass SpeltFlour WheatFlour) Food.kif 1525-1525 Spelt flour is a subclass of wheat flour
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WheatFlour "wheat flour") Food.kif 1497-1497 Spelt flour is a subclass of wheat flour


    (instance ?P Pasta)
    (material WheatFlour ?P))
Food.kif 2744-2746
    (instance ?WF
        (OrganicObjectFn WheatGrain))
    (instance ?WF WheatFlour))
Food.kif 1499-1501

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