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Sigma KEE - Wales
Wales(Wales)Cambria, Cymru, Wales

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Wales EnglishLanguage "Wales, with England, Scotland, and NorthernIreland, is one of the four constituent Nations of the UnitedKingdom.") Geography.kif 6957-6959
(instance Wales GeographicArea) Geography.kif 6956-6956 Wales is an instance of geographic area
(meetsSpatially Wales England) Geography.kif 6962-6962 Wales meets England
(orientation Wales England West) Geography.kif 6961-6961 Wales is west to England
(primaryGeopoliticalSubdivision Wales UnitedKingdom) Geography.kif 6971-6971 United kingdom is a primary geopolitical subdivision of Wales

appearance as argument number 2

(orientation Ireland Wales West) Geography.kif 6966-6966 Ireland is west to Wales
(orientation NorthernIreland Wales Northwest) Geography.kif 6963-6963 Northern ireland is northwest to Wales
(orientation Scotland Wales North) Geography.kif 6964-6964 Scotland is north to Wales
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Wales "Wales") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65766-65766 Scotland is north to Wales

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