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Sigma KEE - Vertebrate
Vertebrate(vertebrate)Amniota, Amphioxidae, Ascidiaceae, Branchiostomidae, Cephalochordata, Chordata, Craniata, Doliolidae, Larvacea, Salpidae, Thaliacea, Tunicata, Urochorda, Urochordata, Vertebrata, amniote, amphioxus, appendicularia, aquatic_vertebrate, ascidian, ascidian_tadpole, cephalochordate, chordate, chordate_family, chordate_genus, class_Ascidiaceae, class_Larvacea, class_Thaliacea, craniate, doliolum, family_Amphioxidae, family_Branchiostomidae, family_Doliolidae, family_Salpidae, genus_Amphioxus, genus_Appendicularia, genus_Doliolum, genus_Salpa, lancelet, larvacean, phylum_Chordata, salp, salpa, sea_squirt, subphylum_Cephalochordata, subphylum_Craniata, subphylum_Tunicata, subphylum_Urochorda, subphylum_Urochordata, subphylum_Vertebrata...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Vertebrate ChineseLanguage "这是一种有脊椎 Animal。") chinese_format.kif 3399-3399
(documentation Vertebrate EnglishLanguage "An Animal which has a spinal column.") Merge.kif 14547-14547
(subclass Vertebrate Animal) Merge.kif 14546-14546 Vertebrate is a subclass of animal

appearance as argument number 2

(partition Animal Vertebrate Invertebrate) Merge.kif 14493-14493 Animal is exhaustively partitioned into vertebrate and invertebrate
(subclass ColdBloodedVertebrate Vertebrate) Merge.kif 14592-14592 Cold blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(subclass WarmBloodedVertebrate Vertebrate) Merge.kif 14597-14597 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Vertebrate "脊椎动物") chinese_format.kif 976-976 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Vertebrate "vertebrate") english_format.kif 1159-1159 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Vertebrate "vertebr�") french_format.kif 653-653 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat Hindi Vertebrate "kasherukI") terms-hindi.txt 184-184 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Vertebrate "Vertebrato") terms-it.txt 187-187 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Vertebrate "脊椎動物") japanese_format.kif 2337-2337 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Vertebrate "Vertebrado") portuguese_format.kif 605-605 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat cz Vertebrate "vertebrate") terms-cz.txt 221-221 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat ro Vertebrate "vertebratã") relations-ro.kif 674-674 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate
(termFormat tg Vertebrate "buto ng gulugod") terms-tg.txt 188-188 Warm blooded vertebrate is a subclass of vertebrate


    (instance ?VERT Vertebrate)
    (exists (?SPINE)
            (instance ?VERT Animal)
            (component ?SPINE ?VERT)
            (instance ?SPINE SpinalColumn))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11162-11168 A corpuscular object is an instance of vertebrate if and only if there exists another corpuscular object such that the corpuscular object is an instance of animal and the other corpuscular object is a component of the corpuscular object and the other corpuscular object is an instance of spinal column
        (instance ?V Vertebrate)
        (instance ?H Head)
        (part ?H ?V)
        (attribute ?V Healthy))
    (exists (?S ?B)
            (instance ?S Skull)
            (member ?B ?S)
            (part ?B ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11705-11715
        (instance ?V Vertebrate)
        (instance ?H Head)
        (part ?H ?V)
        (instance ?S Skull)
        (attribute ?V Healthy)
        (member ?B ?S)
        (part ?B ?V))
    (part ?B ?H))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11717-11726


        (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
        (instance ?SKELETON Skeleton)
        (part ?SKELETON ?ANIMAL))
    (instance ?ANIMAL Vertebrate))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11873-11878
        (instance ?S NervousSystem)
        (part ?S ?A)
        (instance ?A Animal))
    (instance ?A Vertebrate))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11668-11673
    (instance ?BONE BoneTissue)
    (exists (?VERT)
            (instance ?VERT Vertebrate)
            (part ?BONE ?VERT))))
Merge.kif 15240-15245
    (instance ?FACE Face)
    (exists (?VERTEBRATE)
            (instance ?VERTEBRATE Vertebrate)
            (part ?FACE ?VERTEBRATE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13112-13117
    (instance ?LIMB Limb)
    (exists (?VERTEBRATE)
            (instance ?VERTEBRATE Vertebrate)
            (part ?LIMB ?VERTEBRATE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12773-12778
    (instance ?T Tail)
    (exists (?V)
            (instance ?V Vertebrate)
            (part ?T ?V)
                (instance ?V Human)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11192-11198

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