(instance ?VCR VCRSystem)
(hasPurpose ?VCR
(instance ?VHS VHSCassette)
(instrument ?PROC ?VCR)
(patient ?PROC ?VHS)
(instance ?VIDEO VideoRecording)
(represents ?AVIDEO ?VIDEO)
(part ?VIDEO ?VHS)
(instance ?AUDIO AudioRecording)
(represents ?AAUDIO ?AUDIO)
(part ?AUDIO ?VHS)
(instance ?RL RadiatingLight)
(patient ?RL ?VIDEO)
(subProcess ?RL ?PROC)
(instance ?RS RadiatingSound)
(patient ?RS ?AUDIO)
(subProcess ?RS ?PROC))))) |
Media.kif 1387-1407 |
- If a physical is an instance of vcr system,
- then the physical has the purpose there exist an entity, another entity,, , a third entity,, , a fourth entity,, , a fifth entity,, , a sixth entity,, , a seventh entity and a eighth entity such that the entity is an instance of VHS cassette and the physical is an instrument for the other entity and the entity is a patient of the other entity and the third entity is an instance of video recording and the fourth entity expresses the third entity and the third entity is a part of the entity and the sixth entity is an instance of audio recording and the seventh entity expresses the sixth entity and the seventh entity is a part of the fourth entity and the sixth entity is a part of the entity and the fifth entity is an instance of radiating light and the third entity is a patient of the fifth entity and the fifth entity is a subprocess of the other entity and the eighth entity is an instance of radiating sound and the sixth entity is a patient of the eighth entity and the eighth entity is a subprocess of the other entity