UniversalJoint(universal joint) | universal, universal_joint |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation UniversalJoint EnglishLanguage "A joint that couples two shafts at variables angles to one another. It is distinct from a CVJoint in that the shafts do not travel at a constant velocity with respect to one another. This causes vibration and wear. However, universal joints are simpler to make than CV joints.") | Cars.kif 4217-4221 | |
(externalImage UniversalJoint "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ b/ b5/ Universal_joint.gif") | Cars.kif 4215-4215 | |
(subclass UniversalJoint MechanicalJoint) | Cars.kif 4214-4214 | Universal joint is a subclass of mechanical joint |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage UniversalJoint "universal joint") | Cars.kif 4216-4216 |