UnilateralGetting(unilateral getting) | annex, appropriate, arrogation, bag, banditry, blackmail, bleed, booty, calf_roping, capture, carry, co-opt, confiscation, conquer, conquering, conquest, cop, defalcate, depredation, despoilation, despoilment, despoliation, devastation, devolve, dirty_money, distrain, distraint, distress, embezzle, enslavement, ensnare, entrap, expropriation, extort, fall, fiddle, frame, gaining_control, garnish, garnishee, glom, go, gouge, grand_larceny, grand_theft, highjack, hijack, hold_up, hook, impounding... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation UnilateralGetting ChineseLanguage "這是任何不属于 Transaction 一部分 Getting 的实例。换句话说,这就是任何不涉及回报 Getting 的实例。UnilateralGetting 的一些例子有: 拨款、征用和偷窃等等。") | chinese_format.kif 3088-3090 | |
(documentation UnilateralGetting EnglishLanguage "Any instance of Getting that is not part of a Transaction. In other words, any instance of Getting where nothing is given in return. Some examples of UnilateralGetting are: appropriating, commandeering, stealing, etc.") | Merge.kif 11836-11839 | |
(documentation UnilateralGetting JapaneseLanguage "Getting の任意のインスタンスは Transaction の一部ではない。言い換えれば、Getting のインスタンスは、何の見返りもない。 いくつかの UnilateralGetting の例として、充当、指揮、盗難などが挙げられる。") | japanese_format.kif 1859-1861 | |
(relatedInternalConcept UnilateralGetting UnilateralGiving) | Merge.kif 11834-11834 | Unilateral getting is internally related to unilateral giving |
(subclass UnilateralGetting Getting) | Merge.kif 11833-11833 | Unilateral getting is a subclass of getting |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?GET UnilateralGetting) (not (exists (?TRANS) (and (instance ?TRANS Transaction) (subProcess ?GET ?TRANS))))) |
Merge.kif 11841-11847 |