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Sigma KEE - TriageTag
TriageTag(triage tag)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TriageTag EnglishLanguage "A triage tag is a tool first responders and medical personnel use during a mass casualty incident. With the aid of the triage tags, the first-arriving personnel are able to effectively and efficiently distribute the limited resources and provide the necessary immediate care for the victims until more help arrives. Simple triage and rapid treatment (START) is a strategy that the first responders and medical personnel employ to evaluate the severity of injury of each victim as quickly as possible and tag the victims in about 30–60 seconds. The triage tags are placed near the head and are used to better separate the victims so that when more help arrives, the patients are easily recognizable for the extra help to ascertain the most dire cases.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 6102-6110
(externalImage TriageTag " thumb/ 9/ 97/ Deconference-2002-triage-tag.jpg/ 320px-Deconference-2002-triage-tag.jpg") Medicine.kif 6112-6112
(subclass TriageTag Label) Medicine.kif 6101-6101 Triage tag is a subclass of label

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage TriageTag "triage tag") Medicine.kif 6111-6111


    (instance ?TT TriageTag)
    (hasPurpose ?TT
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C Classifying)
                (instrument ?C ?TT)))))
Medicine.kif 6114-6120

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