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Sigma KEE - Tree
cladogram, stemma, tree, tree_diagram

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Tree ChineseLanguage "树是一个没有 GraphLoopDirectedGraph。") chinese_format.kif 2329-2329
(documentation Tree EnglishLanguage "A Tree is a DirectedGraph that has no GraphLoops.") Merge.kif 5688-5689
(documentation Tree JapaneseLanguage "ツリーは GraphLoops がない DirectedGraph である。") japanese_format.kif 1003-1003
(externalImage Tree " Directed_acyclic_graph.png") pictureList.kif 2043-2043
(externalImage Tree " Tree_graph.svg") pictureList.kif 2412-2412
(externalImage Tree " Directed.svg") pictureList.kif 2414-2414
(externalImage Tree " Undirected.svg") pictureList.kif 2413-2413
(subclass Tree DirectedGraph) Merge.kif 5686-5686 Tree is a subclass of directed graph

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Tree "树") chinese_format.kif 935-935
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Tree "tree") english_format.kif 1077-1077
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Tree "arbre") french_format.kif 611-611
(termFormat Hindi Tree "vriksha") terms-hindi.txt 142-142
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Tree "Albero") terms-it.txt 145-145
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Tree "ツリー") japanese_format.kif 2296-2296
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Tree "Arvore") portuguese_format.kif 563-563
(termFormat cb Tree "kahoy") terms-cb.txt 147-147
(termFormat cz Tree "tree") terms-cz.txt 179-179
(termFormat ro Tree "arbore") relations-ro.kif 632-632
(termFormat tg Tree "punong kahoy") terms-tg.txt 146-146


    (instance ?GRAPH Tree)
        (exists (?ARC1 ?ARC2 ?NODE)
                (graphPart ?ARC1 ?GRAPH)
                (graphPart ?ARC2 ?GRAPH)
                (graphPart ?NODE ?GRAPH)
                    (TerminalNodeFn ?ARC1) ?NODE)
                    (TerminalNodeFn ?ARC2) ?NODE)
                    (equal ?ARC1 ?ARC2))))))
Merge.kif 5707-5717
    (instance ?GRAPH Tree)
        (exists (?LOOP)
                (instance ?LOOP GraphCircuit)
                (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH)))))
Merge.kif 5699-5705
    (instance ?GRAPH Tree)
        (exists (?LOOP)
                (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
                (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH)))))
Merge.kif 5691-5697


    (instance ?O Orchard)
    (exists (?A ?T)
            (instance ?A Agriculture)
            (located ?A ?O)
            (instance ?T Tree)
            (result ?A ?T))))
Food.kif 3655-3662

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