Transitway(transitway) | Belmont, Belmont_Park, access, approach, beeline, bend, celestial_orbit, course, crosscut, curve, cutoff, feeder_line, flyway, geosynchronous_orbit, itinerary, line_of_fire, main_line, migration_route, orbit, passage, path, route, shortcut, supply_line, supply_route, track, trade_route, way |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Transitway ChineseLanguage "Transitway 是在 Translocation 实例中,可能以 一条 path 通过范围最笼统的类别。Transitway 包括海陆空三个地区,而且它同时包括自然和人工交通工具。") | chinese_format.kif 3355-3356 | |
(documentation Transitway EnglishLanguage "Transitway is the broadest class of regions which may be passed through as a path in instances of Translocation. Transitway includes land, air, and sea regions, and it includes both natural and artificial transitways.") | Merge.kif 14313-14316 | |
(externalImage Transitway " b/ b3/ PlanMetroNY2.png") | pictureList.kif 12042-12042 | |
(externalImage Transitway " Sydney_Tway_Network.png") | pictureList.kif 10304-10304 | |
(subclass Transitway Region) | Merge.kif 14311-14311 | Transitway is a subclass of region |
(subclass Transitway SelfConnectedObject) | Merge.kif 14312-14312 | Transitway is a subclass of self connected object |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass AirTransitway Transitway) | Transportation.kif 1247-1247 | Air transitway is a subclass of transitway |
(subclass Airway Transitway) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 11935-11935 | Airway is a subclass of transitway |
(subclass LandTransitway Transitway) | Merge.kif 14330-14330 | Land transitway is a subclass of transitway |
(subclass Pipeline Transitway) | Transportation.kif 773-773 | Pipeline is a subclass of transitway |
(subclass TransitwayJunction Transitway) | Transportation.kif 3762-3762 | Transitway junction is a subclass of transitway |
(subclass Waterway Transitway) | Geography.kif 5576-5576 | Waterway is a subclass of transitway |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Transitway "公交专用道") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 58948-58948 | Waterway is a subclass of transitway |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Transitway "公交專用道") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 58947-58947 | Waterway is a subclass of transitway |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Transitway "transitway") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 58946-58946 | Waterway is a subclass of transitway |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain TransitFn 1 Transitway) | Transportation.kif 1732-1732 | The number 1 argument of transit is an instance of transitway |
(domain distanceOnPath 2 Transitway) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 24651-24651 | The number 2 argument of distance on path is an instance of transitway |
(domain pathInSystem 1 Transitway) | Transportation.kif 3312-3312 | The number 1 argument of path in system is an instance of transitway |
(domain routeBetween 1 Transitway) | Transportation.kif 3627-3627 | The number 1 argument of route between is an instance of transitway |
(domain routeInSystem 1 Transitway) | Transportation.kif 3332-3332 | The number 1 argument of route in system is an instance of transitway |
(domain transitwayThroughputCapacity 1 Transitway) | Transportation.kif 3836-3836 | The number 1 argument of transit way throughput capacity is an instance of transitway |
antecedent |
consequent |