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Sigma KEE - Transaction
Transaction(transaction)affairs, barter, barter_away, bounty, buy, capitalise, capitalize, change, commute, compensation, convert, cross-fertilisation, cross-fertilization, dealing, dealings, distrain, exchange, exchanged, found, gainlessly, give-and-take, horse_trade, horse_trading, in_return, indemnification, interaction, interchange, international_affairs, inversely, keep_going, knight's_service, logrolling, mercantile, merchandise, military_service, mutually, overcapitalise, overcapitalize, patronage, patronise, patronize, pay, placement, premium, profitlessly, reciprocally, reciprocation, reciprocity, recompense, repay...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Transaction ChineseLanguage "这是 ChangeOfPossessionsubclass,这出现 在当一些东西用来交换另外一些东西的时候。") chinese_format.kif 3093-3094
(documentation Transaction EnglishLanguage "The subclass of ChangeOfPossession where something is exchanged for something else.") Merge.kif 11858-11859
(documentation Transaction JapaneseLanguage "何かが他のものと交換される ChangeOfPossessionsubclass 。") japanese_format.kif 1864-1865
(subclass Transaction ChangeOfPossession) Merge.kif 11855-11855 Transaction is a subclass of change of possession
(subclass Transaction DualObjectProcess) Merge.kif 11856-11856 Transaction is a subclass of dual object process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass FinancialTransaction Transaction) Merge.kif 11880-11880 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Transaction "交易") chinese_format.kif 1139-1139 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Transaction "transaction") english_format.kif 1495-1495 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Transaction "transaction") french_format.kif 817-817 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat Hindi Transaction "lena-dena") terms-hindi.txt 349-349 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Transaction "Scambio") terms-it.txt 352-352 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Transaction "取引") japanese_format.kif 2501-2501 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Transaction "Transacao") portuguese_format.kif 769-769 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat cz Transaction "transaction") terms-cz.txt 388-388 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat ro Transaction "tranzacþie") relations-ro.kif 838-838 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction
(termFormat tg Transaction "pagpapalit") terms-tg.txt 353-353 Financial transaction is a subclass of transaction


    (instance ?TRANS Transaction)
    (exists (?AGENT1 ?AGENT2 ?GIVE1 ?GIVE2 ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
            (instance ?GIVE1 Giving)
            (instance ?GIVE2 Giving)
            (subProcess ?GIVE1 ?TRANS)
            (subProcess ?GIVE2 ?TRANS)
            (agent ?GIVE1 ?AGENT1)
            (agent ?GIVE2 ?AGENT2)
            (patient ?GIVE1 ?OBJ1)
            (patient ?GIVE2 ?OBJ2)
            (destination ?GIVE1 ?AGENT2)
            (destination ?GIVE2 ?AGENT1)
                (equal ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2))
                (equal ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))))
Merge.kif 11861-11878


    (instance ?GET UnilateralGetting)
        (exists (?TRANS)
                (instance ?TRANS Transaction)
                (subProcess ?GET ?TRANS)))))
Merge.kif 11841-11847
    (instance ?GIVE UnilateralGiving)
        (exists (?TRANS)
                (instance ?TRANS Transaction)
                (subProcess ?GIVE ?TRANS)))))
Merge.kif 11762-11768

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