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Sigma KEE - Tissue
Tissue(tissue)Andaman_redwood, Bowman's_capsule, Cebu_maguey, New_Zealand_cotton, Panama_redwood, Philippine_mahogany, SA_node, Turkish_boxwood, abducens, abducens_nerve, abducent, abducent_nerve, accessory_nerve, acoustic_nerve, adrenal_cortex, adrenal_medulla, adventitial, afferent, afferent_fiber, afferent_nerve, allograft, alveolar_bed, amboyna, animal_tissue, anterior_crural_nerve, aponeurosis, aponeurotic, applewood, areolar_tissue, ash, ashen, astroglia, auditory_nerve, autograft, autoplasty, band, basilar_membrane, bassine, bast, bast_fiber, beechen, birch, birchen, bird's-eye_maple, birken, black_locust, blackwood, blastodermatic, blastodermic, bone_marrow...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjointDecomposition Tissue ConnectiveTissue MuscleTissue NervousTissue EpithelialTissue) Merge.kif 15171-15171 Tissue is disjointly decomposed into connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial tissue
(documentation Tissue ChineseLanguage "这是同样专门 Cell 和相关细胞间物质的聚合物。 TissueBodyPartOrganOrgan 组织相比,算是相对非局部性。 Tissue 的主要特征是能自我连接(见 SelfConnectedObject)和为性质单一的一块 (粒度相同的所有部分也是 Tissue 的实例。)。") chinese_format.kif 3523-3525 Tissue is disjointly decomposed into connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial tissue
(documentation Tissue EnglishLanguage "An aggregation of similarly specialized Cells and the associated intercellular substance. Tissues are relatively non-localized in comparison to BodyParts, Organs or Organ components. The main features of Tissues are self-connectivity (see SelfConnectedObject) and being a homogeneous mass (all parts in the same granularity are instances of Tissue as well).") Merge.kif 15173-15178 Tissue is disjointly decomposed into connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial tissue
(subclass Tissue BodySubstance) Merge.kif 15170-15170 Tissue is a subclass of body substance

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BoneMarrow Tissue) Medicine.kif 1201-1201 Bone marrow is a subclass of tissue
(subclass ConnectiveTissue Tissue) Merge.kif 15195-15195 Connective tissue is a subclass of tissue
(subclass EpithelialTissue Tissue) Merge.kif 15253-15253 Epithelial tissue is a subclass of tissue
(subclass MuscleTissue Tissue) Merge.kif 15269-15269 Muscle tissue is a subclass of tissue
(subclass NervousTissue Tissue) Merge.kif 15285-15285 Nervous tissue is a subclass of tissue
(subclass PlantWicker Tissue) Mid-level-ontology.kif 4593-4593 Plant wicker is a subclass of tissue
(subclass Tendon Tissue) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9663-9663 Tendon is a subclass of tissue
(subclass Wood Tissue) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9379-9379 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Tissue "身体组织") chinese_format.kif 1025-1025 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Tissue "tissue") english_format.kif 1262-1262 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Tissue "tissu") french_format.kif 703-703 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat Hindi Tissue "Utaka") terms-hindi.txt 234-234 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Tissue "Tessuto") terms-it.txt 237-237 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Tissue "《医》組織") japanese_format.kif 2386-2386 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Tissue "Tecido") portuguese_format.kif 655-655 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat cz Tissue "tissue") terms-cz.txt 272-272 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat ro Tissue "þesut") relations-ro.kif 724-724 Wood is a subclass of tissue
(termFormat tg Tissue "Hilatsa") terms-tg.txt 238-238 Wood is a subclass of tissue


        (subclass ?T1C Tissue)
        (subclass ?T2C Tissue)
        (instance ?T1 ?T1C)
        (instance ?T2 ?T2C)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (part ?T1 ?H)
        (part ?T2 ?H)
            (equal ?T1C ?T2C))
            (subclass ?T1C ?T2C))
            (subclass ?T2C ?T1C))
        (orientation ?T1 ?T2 Adjacent))
        (exists (?CT)
                (instance ?CT ConnectiveTissue)
                (between ?T1 ?CT ?T2))) Likely))
Merge.kif 15212-15233
    (instance ?STUFF Tissue)
    (exists (?ORGANISM)
            (instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
            (part ?STUFF ?ORGANISM))))
Merge.kif 15187-15192
    (instance ?STUFF Tissue)
    (exists (?PART)
            (instance ?PART Cell)
            (part ?PART ?STUFF))))
Merge.kif 15180-15185


    (attribute ?H Shock)
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Tissue)
            (part ?T ?H)
                (exists (?OB)
                        (attribute ?OB OxygenatedBlood)
                        (part ?OB ?T)))))))
Medicine.kif 5796-5806
    (instance ?AGENT BlisterAgent)
    (hasPurpose ?AGENT
        (exists (?DAMAGE ?TISSUE)
                (instance ?DAMAGE Damaging)
                (instance ?TISSUE Tissue)
                (patient ?DAMAGE ?TISSUE)))))
WMD.kif 483-490
    (instance ?PROC OrganOrTissueProcess)
    (exists (?THING)
            (eventLocated ?PROC ?THING)
                (instance ?THING Organ)
                (instance ?THING Tissue)))))
Merge.kif 10211-10218
    (instance ?TUMOR Tumor)
    (forall (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?TUMOR)
            (instance ?PART Tissue))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9656-9661

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