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Sigma KEE - TimeMeasure
TimeMeasure(time measure)bimillenial, span, temporal, time

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TimeMeasure ChineseLanguage "这个是通用时间轴(TimePosition 的实例)上的类别, 它包括时间段(TimeDuration 的实例),与 TimePointTimeInterval 的定位。") chinese_format.kif 1779-1780
(documentation TimeMeasure EnglishLanguage "The class of temporal durations (instances of TimeDuration) and positions of TimePoints and TimeIntervals along the universal timeline (instances of TimePosition).") Merge.kif 2069-2071
(documentation TimeMeasure JapaneseLanguage "ユニバーサル タイムライン (TimePosition のイン スタンス) に沿った一時的な期間のクラス (TimeDuration のインスタンス) と TimePointTimeInterval 。") japanese_format.kif 391-393
(subclass TimeMeasure ConstantQuantity) Merge.kif 2067-2067 Time measure is a subclass of constant quantity

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass TimeDuration TimeMeasure) Merge.kif 2073-2073 Time duration is a subclass of time measure
(subclass TimePosition TimeMeasure) Merge.kif 2078-2078 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TimeMeasure "时间单位") chinese_format.kif 877-877 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TimeMeasure "time measure") english_format.kif 956-956 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat FrenchLanguage TimeMeasure "mesure temporel") french_format.kif 553-553 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat Hindi TimeMeasure "samaya maapa") terms-hindi.txt 83-83 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat ItalianLanguage TimeMeasure "MisuraTemporale") terms-it.txt 86-86 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage TimeMeasure "時間測定") japanese_format.kif 2238-2238 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage TimeMeasure "Medida Temporal") portuguese_format.kif 505-505 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat cb TimeMeasure "gitas-ong oras") terms-cb.txt 88-88 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat cz TimeMeasure "time measure") terms-cz.txt 120-120 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat ro TimeMeasure "mãsur&abreve temporalã") relations-ro.kif 574-574 Time position is a subclass of time measure
(termFormat tg TimeMeasure "sukat ng panahon") terms-tg.txt 87-87 Time position is a subclass of time measure


        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (result ?M ?Q)
        (instrument ?M ?C)
        (instance ?C Clock))
    (instance ?Q TimeMeasure))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2879-2885

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