TimeDependentQuantity(time dependent quantity) | ESR, M.M., MFLOP, MIPS, Nyquist_frequency, Nyquist_rate, THz, accelerando, acceleration, airspeed, allegretto, allegro, allegro_con_spirito, andante, atrioventricular_nodal_rhythm, attrition_rate, beats_per_minute, birth_rate, birthrate, bpm, c, cardiac_output, case_load, centripetal_acceleration, channel_capacity, common_measure, common_time, count_per_minute, counts/minute, crime_rate, data_rate, death_rate, deathrate, dose_rate, double_time, erythrocyte_sedimentation_rate, escape_velocity, fatality_rate, femoral_pulse, fertility, fertility_rate, flow, flow_rate, four-four_time, frequence, frequency, groundspeed, growth_rate, heart_rate, infant_deathrate... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation TimeDependentQuantity ChineseLanguage "这是连续时间的 UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity。这个 Class 的所有实例都是由 Function 把时间和另一个 ConstantQuantity 如温度联系来表示的。例如:'在帝国大厦顶的温度‘是一个 TimeDependentQuantity, 因为它的值取决于时间。") | chinese_format.kif 1800-1803 | |
(documentation TimeDependentQuantity EnglishLanguage "A UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity of continuous time. All instances of this Class are returned by Functions that map a time quantity into another ConstantQuantity such as temperature. For example, 'the temperature at the top of the Empire State Building' is a TimeDependentQuantity, since its value depends on the time.") | Merge.kif 2121-2126 | |
(documentation TimeDependentQuantity JapaneseLanguage "連続時間の UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity。この Class のすべてのインスタンスは、時間の数量をマップする Function によって返される。 温度などの別の ConstantQuantity。例:「エンパイアステートビルの 最上部の温度」は、 TimeDependentQuantity、その値が時間に依存するためである。") | japanese_format.kif 415-418 | |
(subclass TimeDependentQuantity UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity) | Merge.kif 2120-2120 | Time dependent quantity is a subclass of unary constant function quantity |
appearance as argument number 2 |
consequent |