TieRod(tie rod) | tie_rod |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation TieRod EnglishLanguage "A Rod in an Automobile that serves to link the steering system to the Wheels. A tie rod is distinct from many other types of rods in that it functions in both compression and tension forces.") | Cars.kif 4118-4120 | |
(externalImage TieRod "http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/5804/4tierodremovalop3.jpg") | Cars.kif 4116-4116 | |
(subclass TieRod Rod) | Cars.kif 4115-4115 | Tie rod is a subclass of rod |
(typicalPart TieRod Automobile) | Cars.kif 4121-4121 | A tie rod is typically a part of a automobile |
(typicallyContainsPart TieRod Automobile) | Cars.kif 4122-4122 | A automobile typically has a part tie rod |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TieRod "tie rod") | Cars.kif 4117-4117 |