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Sigma KEE - ThyroidHormone
ThyroidHormone(thyroid hormone)
T, calcitonin, liothyronine, tetraiodothyronine, thyrocalcitonin, thyroid_hormone, thyroxin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ThyroidHormone EnglishLanguage "A Hormone secreted by the ThyroidGland.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 12445-12445
(externalImage ThyroidHormone " 7/ 7d/ T3-3D-balls.png") pictureList.kif 9730-9730
(externalImage ThyroidHormone " a/ a5/ Iodothyronine_deiodinase.png") pictureList.kif 9731-9731
(externalImage ThyroidHormone " c/ cd/ Thyroxine-2D-skeletal.png") pictureList.kif 8757-8757
(subclass ThyroidHormone Hormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12444-12444 Thyroid hormone is a subclass of hormone

appearance as argument number 2

(secretesSubstance ThyroidGland ThyroidHormone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12443-12443 Thyroid hormone is a secretes substance of thyroid gland
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ThyroidHormone "甲状腺激素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58036-58036 Thyroid hormone is a secretes substance of thyroid gland
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ThyroidHormone "甲狀腺激素") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58035-58035 Thyroid hormone is a secretes substance of thyroid gland
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ThyroidHormone "thyroid hormone") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58034-58034 Thyroid hormone is a secretes substance of thyroid gland


        (instance ?IBD GravesDisease)
        (experiencer ?IBD ?H1)
        (instance ?H1 Human)
        (instance ?T1 ThyroidHormone)
        (part ?T1 ?H1)
        (measure ?T1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 ?U))
        (instance ?H2 Human)
        (instance ?T2 ThyroidHormone)
        (part ?T2 ?H2)
        (measure ?T2
            (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U))
        (attribute ?H2 Healthy))
    (greaterThan ?N1 ?N2))
Medicine.kif 2336-2351
        (instance ?IBD HashimotosThyroiditis)
        (experiencer ?IBD ?H1)
        (instance ?H1 Human)
        (instance ?T1 ThyroidHormone)
        (part ?T1 ?H1)
        (measure ?T1
            (MeasureFn ?N1 ?U))
        (instance ?H2 Human)
        (instance ?T2 ThyroidHormone)
        (part ?T2 ?H2)
        (measure ?T2
            (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U))
        (attribute ?H2 Healthy))
    (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
Medicine.kif 2382-2397

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