Telex(telex) | teleprinter, teletype_machine, teletypewriter, telex, telex_machine |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Telex EnglishLanguage "Telex is a Telegraph-like CommunicationDevice that is used to send messages over a TelephoneSystem.") | Communications.kif 174-175 | |
(subclass Telex CommunicationDevice) | Communications.kif 173-173 | Telex is a subclass of communication device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Telex "telex") | Communications.kif 176-176 |
antecedent |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?TELEX Telex) (hasPurpose ?TELEX (exists (?SYS ?TELEX2 ?MSG) (and (instance ?SYS TelephoneSystem) (instance ?TELEX2 Telex) (instance ?MSG Messaging) (or (and (origin ?MSG ?TELEX) (destination ?MSG ?TELEX2)) (and (origin ?MSG ?TELEX2) (destination ?MSG ?TELEX))) (path ?MSG ?SYS))))) |
Communications.kif 185-200 |