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Sigma KEE - Swimming
Australian_crawl, backstroke, bathe, belly-flop, break_water, breaststroke, butterfly, butterfly_stroke, crawl, dip, dive, dog_paddle, dolphin_kick, fin, float, floating, flutter_kick, frog_kick, front_crawl, jackknife, natation, paddle, plunge, school, scissors_kick, sidestroke, skin-dive, skin_diving, skinny-dip, swim, swimming, swimming_kick, swimming_stroke, thrash, treading_water

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Swimming ChineseLanguage "这是由 Organism 在水中完成的任何故意和有控制的 BodyMotion。") chinese_format.kif 3012-3013
(documentation Swimming EnglishLanguage "Any deliberate and controlled BodyMotion through water that is accomplished by an Organism.") Merge.kif 11205-11206
(documentation Swimming JapaneseLanguage "Organism によって遂行される水を通して BodyMotion を意図的に制御する。") japanese_format.kif 1775-1776
(externalImage Swimming " US_Road_Signs/ recreation/ rec_4/ swimming.png") pictureList.kif 765-765
(externalImage Swimming "") pictureList.kif 3205-3205
(subclass Swimming BodyMotion) Merge.kif 11202-11202 Swimming is a subclass of body motion
(subclass Swimming IntentionalProcess) Merge.kif 11203-11203 Swimming is a subclass of intentional process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ScubaDiving Swimming) Mid-level-ontology.kif 27161-27161 Scuba diving is a subclass of swimming
(subclass Snorkeling Swimming) Sports.kif 106-106 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Swimming "游泳") chinese_format.kif 1116-1116 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Swimming "swimming") english_format.kif 1449-1449 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Swimming "nager") french_format.kif 794-794 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat Hindi Swimming "tairanaa") terms-hindi.txt 326-326 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Swimming "Nuotare") terms-it.txt 329-329 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Swimming "水泳") japanese_format.kif 2478-2478 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Swimming "Nadar") portuguese_format.kif 746-746 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat cb Swimming "paglangngoy") terms-cb.txt 331-331 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat cz Swimming "swimming") terms-cz.txt 365-365 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat ro Swimming "înot") relations-ro.kif 815-815 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming
(termFormat tg Swimming "lumalangoy") terms-tg.txt 330-330 Snorkeling is a subclass of swimming


        (instance ?SWIM Swimming)
        (agent ?SWIM ?AGENT))
    (exists (?AREA)
            (instance ?AREA WaterArea)
            (located ?AGENT ?AREA))))
Merge.kif 11208-11215


        (instance ?HS HeavySurf)
        (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
        (eventLocated ?HS ?PLACE))
    (exists (?SWIM ?A)
            (instance ?SWIM Swimming)
            (instance ?A Human)
            (agent ?SWIM ?A)
            (eventLocated ?SWIM ?PLACE)
                (WhenFn ?HS)
                (hazardous ?HS ?A)))))
Weather.kif 1562-1575
    (instance ?P SwimmingPool)
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (exists (?S)
                (instance ?S Swimming)
                (eventLocated ?S ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4721-4727

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