StayingStill(staying still) | arse_about, arse_around, bum, bum_about, bum_around, frig_around, fuck_off, idle, laze, lie_about, lie_around, loaf, loll, loll_around, lounge, lounge_about, lounge_around, moon, moon_around, moon_on, slug, stagnate, waste_one's_time |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation StayingStill EnglishLanguage "A bodily movement behavior which involves remaining still. Note that a passenger on a train could be StayingStill and yet still experiencing a change in location.") | emotion.kif 1518-1520 | |
(subclass StayingStill EmotionalBodilyMovementBehavior) | emotion.kif 1521-1521 | Staying still is a subclass of emotional bodily movement behavior |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage StayingStill "staying still") | emotion.kif 1517-1517 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?SS StayingStill) (experiencer ?SS ?A)) (not (exists (?B ?T) (and (instance ?B BodyMotion) (instance ?T Translocation) (causes ?B ?T) (agent ?B ?A))))) |
emotion.kif 1523-1533 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?PJ Pajamas) (hasPurpose ?PJ (exists (?A ?REST) (and (instance ?A Human) (agent ?REST ?A) (holdsDuring ?REST (wears ?A ?PJ)) (or (instance ?REST Sleeping) (instance ?REST StayingStill)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5318-5329 |