StaticWaterArea(static water area) | Boston_Harbor, Caesarea, Pearl_Harbor, Zuider_Zee, abyssal_zone, bayou, billabong, bog, high_sea, international_waters, lacustrine, lagoon, laguna, lagune, liman, mire, mud_puddle, paddy, paddy_field, peat_bog, pool, puddle, rice_paddy, slack, slack_water, slough, sound, wallow, water_hole |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation StaticWaterArea EnglishLanguage "A WaterArea in which water does not flow constantly or in the same direction, e.g. most lakes and ponds.") | Mid-level-ontology.kif 9258-9259 | |
(subclass StaticWaterArea WaterArea) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 9257-9257 | Static water area is a subclass of water area |
appearance as argument number 2 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?SYSTEM RiverSystem) (exists (?RIVER ?STATIC) (and (instance ?RIVER River) (part ?RIVER ?SYSTEM) (instance ?STATIC StaticWaterArea) (connected ?RIVER ?STATIC)))) |
Geography.kif 5524-5531 |