Spice(spice) | Chinese_mustard, Florence_fennel, allspice, bay_leaf, borage, caper, caraway, cayenne, cayenne_pepper, chervil, chili_powder, chives, cinnamon, clary_sage, clove, common_fennel, coriander, coriander_seed, costmary, cumin, cumin_seed, curry_powder, estragon, fennel, fennel_seed, finocchio, five_spice_powder, garlic_chive, hyssop, lemon_balm, lovage, marjoram, mint, mustard, mustard_seed, nasturtium, oregano, parsley, red_pepper, rosemary, rue, sage, sassafras, savory, savoury, spice, stacte, stick_cinnamon, summer_savory, summer_savoury... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Spice EnglishLanguage "A Spice is a class of PreparedFood derived from Seeds, Fruits, PlantRoots, barks, or other PlantAnatomicalStructure primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. ") | Economy.kif 4361-4363 | |
(externalImage Spice "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9b/ Spice-shelf.jpg/ 798px-Spice-shelf.jpg") | pictureList.kif 1454-1454 | |
(subclass Spice FoodFromPlant) | Economy.kif 4360-4360 | Spice is a subclass of food from plant |
(subclass Spice PreparedFood) | Economy.kif 4359-4359 | Spice is a subclass of prepared food |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |