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Sigma KEE - SolidStateDataStorageDevice
SolidStateDataStorageDevice(solid state data storage device)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SolidStateDataStorageDevice EnglishLanguage "A FlashDrive is removable SolidStateDataStorageDevice that connects to a USB port. A FlashDrive is alternatively called a ``USB drive'', ``USB flash drive'', ``thumb drive'', ``jump drive'', and ``pen drive''.") ComputerInput.kif 796-798
(documentation SolidStateDataStorageDevice EnglishLanguage "A type of DigitalDataStorageDevice which can be read with no moving parts.") ComputerInput.kif 790-791
(subclass SolidStateDataStorageDevice DigitalDataStorageDevice) ComputerInput.kif 789-789 Solid state data storage device is a subclass of digital data storage device

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass FlashDrive SolidStateDataStorageDevice) ComputerInput.kif 793-793 Flash drive is a subclass of solid state data storage device
(subclass MemoryCard SolidStateDataStorageDevice) ComputerInput.kif 800-800 Memory card is a subclass of solid state data storage device
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SolidStateDataStorageDevice "solid state data storage device") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65563-65563 Memory card is a subclass of solid state data storage device

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