SoftStrictness |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation SoftStrictness EnglishLanguage "An attribute that applies to a RealtimeSystem just in case it maximizes the number of timing requirements like deadlines that are met but does not guarantee that all such requirements will be met or any fixed percentage of requirements will be met.") | QoSontology.kif 1571-1575 | |
(subclass SoftStrictness StrictnessAttribute) | QoSontology.kif 1570-1570 | SoftStrictness is a subclass of strictness attribute |
consequent |
(=> (strictness ?System HybridStrictness) (or (and (strictness ?System ImportanceStrictness) (strictness ?System UtilityStrictness)) (and (strictness ?System ImportanceStrictness) (strictness ?System HardStrictness)) (and (strictness ?System ImportanceStrictness) (strictness ?System FirmStrictness)) (and (strictness ?System Importance-Strictness) (strictness ?System SoftStrictness)))) |
QoSontology.kif 1595-1609 |