SocialRole(social role) | A_level, Alexandrian, American_Revolutionary_leader, Arab_chief, Areopagite, Arhant, Arhat, Bart, Big_Brother, Black_and_Tan, Boddhisatva, Bodhisattva, Boswell, Bourbon, Buddha, CO, Cartesian, Catholicos, Cavalier, Commons, Comrade, Contra, Corinthian, Dalai_Lama, Donatist, Dr., Druid, Earl_Marshal, Esq, Esquire, Evangelist, Excellency, Founding_Father, Freudian, GCSE, General_Certificate_of_Secondary_Education, Grand_Lama, Hanoverian, Harijan, Hegelian, Hussite, Indian_chief, Indian_chieftain, Indian_giver, International_Grandmaster, Ishmael, Ismaili, Ismailian, Jacksonian, Jeffersonian... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation SocialRole ChineseLanguage "这是所有表示一个 CognitiveAgent 在一个 Organization 或是其他 Group 的身份或地位 Attribute 的 Class。") | chinese_format.kif 3846-3847 | |
(documentation SocialRole EnglishLanguage "The Class of all Attributes that specify the position or status of a CognitiveAgent within an Organization or other Group.") | Merge.kif 17311-17313 | |
(subclass SocialRole RelationalAttribute) | Merge.kif 17310-17310 | Social role is a subclass of relational attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (attribute ?PERSON ?ATTRIBUTE) (instance ?ATTRIBUTE SocialRole)) (instance ?PERSON Human)) |
Merge.kif 17315-17319 |