ShapeAttribute(shape attribute) | 3-D, 3D, Platonic_body, Platonic_solid, abruptly-pinnate, acanthoid, acanthous, acellular, acerate, acerose, acetabular, acicular, aciculate, acid-base_balance, acid-base_equilibrium, acneiform, acuate, acuminate, acute, acuteness, adamantine, alabaster, alabastrine, aligned, allantoid, almond-shaped, alveolate, ameboid, amethystine, amoeboid, amorphous_shape, amygdaliform, amygdaline, amygdaloid, amygdaloidal, anchor_ring, anfractuous, angled, angular, angular_shape, angularity, angulate, annulus, antiphonal, antiphonary, apiculate, aquiline, arboreal, arboreous, arborescent... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ShapeAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是任何与 Object 的形状有关的 Attribute。") | chinese_format.kif 3961-3961 | |
(documentation ShapeAttribute EnglishLanguage "Any Attribute that relates to the shape of an Object.") | Merge.kif 17812-17813 | |
(subclass ShapeAttribute StructureAttribute) | Merge.kif 17808-17808 | Shape attribute is a subclass of structure attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain cellShape 2 ShapeAttribute) | VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 405-405 | The number 2 argument of cell shape is an instance of shape attribute |
(domain shape 2 ShapeAttribute) | Merge.kif 7622-7622 | The number 2 argument of shape is an instance of shape attribute |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?ATTRIBUTE ShapeAttribute) (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTRIBUTE) (surface ?SURFACE ?OBJ)) (attribute ?SURFACE ?ATTRIBUTE)) |
Merge.kif 17815-17820 |
(=> (and (property ?OBJ ?SHAPE) (instance ?OBJ Physical) (instance ?SHAPE ShapeAttribute)) (shape ?OBJ ?SHAPE)) |
Merge.kif 7625-7630 |
consequent |