Serbia(Serbia) | Serbia, Srbija |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Serbia EnglishLanguage "The Republic of Serbia is a Nation that historically formed part of Yugoslavia, then part of SerbiaAndMontenegro, and most recently has become an IndependentState after recognizing the secession of Montenegro from SerbiaAndMontenegro on 5 June 2006.") | Media.kif 2512-2516 | |
(geographicSubregion Serbia SerbiaAndMontenegro) | Media.kif 2511-2511 | Serbia is a geographic subregion of serbia and montenegro |
(instance Serbia GeopoliticalArea) | Media.kif 2494-2494 | Serbia is an instance of geopolitical area |
(meetsSpatially Serbia Montenegro) | Media.kif 2539-2539 | Serbia meets Montenegro |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Serbia "Serbia") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 65521-65521 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(codeMapping ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 "RS" Serbia) | Media.kif 2807-2807 | "RS" in ISO-3166-1-alpha-2 denotes Serbia |
statement |
(holdsDuring (FutureFn ?T) (and (instance Serbia EuropeanNation) (instance ?T (DayFn 5 (MonthFn June (YearFn 2006)))))) |
Media.kif 2501-2504 | Serbia is an instance of european nation and a time position is an instance of the day 5 holds during after the time position |
(holdsDuring (FutureFn ?T) (and (instance Serbia IndependentState) (instance ?T (DayFn 5 (MonthFn June (YearFn 2006)))))) |
Media.kif 2496-2499 | Serbia is an instance of independent state and a time position is an instance of the day 5 holds during after the time position |
(holdsDuring (FutureFn ?T) (and (names "Republic of Serbia" Serbia) (instance ?T (DayFn 5 (MonthFn June (YearFn 2006)))))) |
Media.kif 2506-2509 | Serbia has name "Republic of Serbia" and a time position is an instance of the day 5 holds during after the time position |