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Sigma KEE - Selecting
Selecting(selecting)Hobson's_choice, abnegation, abstain, adhere, adjudicative, adjudicatory, adopted, adoptive, alternate, alternative, analysis, analytic_thinking, apostasy, arbitral, arbitrational, arbitrative, assign, ballot, blackball, bolt, boycott, brush-off, call, cast, casting, casting_lots, change_of_mind, choice, choose, closure, co-opt, coloration, colouration, compartmentalise, compartmentalize, countermarch, cream_off, cull_out, cut_up, deciding, decision_making, default, default_option, deliberative, denial, dial, direction, draw, drawing_lots, eclectic_method...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Selecting ChineseLanguage "这是 IntentionalPsychologicalProcessClass,它涉及从较大一组的 Entity 选择一个或以上的 Entity。注:这个类别包括所有判断或评估的案例。") chinese_format.kif 3120-3121
(documentation Selecting EnglishLanguage "The Class of IntentionalPsychologicalProcesses which involve opting for one or more Entity out of a larger set of Entities. Note that this covers all cases of judging or evaluating.") Merge.kif 12048-12050
(subclass Selecting IntentionalPsychologicalProcess) Merge.kif 12047-12047 Selecting is a subclass of intentional psychological process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Deciding Selecting) Merge.kif 12052-12052 Deciding is a subclass of selecting
(subclass Designating Selecting) MilitaryProcesses.kif 318-318 Designating is a subclass of selecting
(subclass Judging Selecting) Merge.kif 12133-12133 Judging is a subclass of selecting
(subclass Voting Selecting) Merge.kif 12120-12120 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Selecting "选择") chinese_format.kif 1147-1147 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Selecting "selecting") english_format.kif 1511-1511 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Selecting "selectionner") french_format.kif 825-825 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat Hindi Selecting "chayanana") terms-hindi.txt 357-357 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Selecting "Scegliere") terms-it.txt 360-360 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Selecting "選択") japanese_format.kif 2509-2509 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Selecting "Selecionar") portuguese_format.kif 777-777 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat cb Selecting "pagpili") terms-cb.txt 362-362 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat cz Selecting "selecting") terms-cz.txt 396-396 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat ro Selecting "selecþionare") relations-ro.kif 846-846 Voting is a subclass of selecting
(termFormat tg Selecting "pinili") terms-tg.txt 361-361 Voting is a subclass of selecting


    (instance ?X MusicChart)
    (exists (?P ?OBJ)
            (instance ?P Selecting)
            (result ?P
                (inList ?OBJ ?X)))))
Music.kif 1125-1130

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