Schadenfreude(schadenfreude) | Schadenfreude |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Schadenfreude EnglishLanguage "A complex emotion that consists of the experience of pleasure as caused by the misfortune of others.") | emotion.kif 760-762 | |
(subAttribute Schadenfreude Pleasure) | emotion.kif 764-764 | Schadenfreude is a subattribute of pleasure |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Schadenfreude "schadenfreude") | emotion.kif 759-759 |
antecedent |
(=> (attribute ?A Schadenfreude) (exists (?A2 ?P) (and (causesProposition ?P (attribute ?A Schadenfreude)) (not (equal ?A ?A2)) (not (desires ?A2 ?P))))) |
emotion.kif 766-775 |
consequent |
(=> (attribute ?A Schadenfreude) (exists (?A2 ?P) (and (causesProposition ?P (attribute ?A Schadenfreude)) (not (equal ?A ?A2)) (not (desires ?A2 ?P))))) |
emotion.kif 766-775 |