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Sigma KEE - Sadness
Sadness(sadness)gloominess, lugubriousness, sadness, sorrow, sorrowfulness, uncheerfulness

appearance as argument number 1

(actionTendency Sadness SadFacialExpression) emotion.kif 185-185 action tendency sadness and sad facial expression
(documentation Sadness EnglishLanguage "A negative emotion felt when an event is appraised as unpleasant, obstructive to one's goals and concerns, and one feels unable to cope with it or modify it. [Source: OCEAS]") emotion.kif 1116-1119 action tendency sadness and sad facial expression
(instance Sadness EmotionalState) emotion.kif 1115-1115 Sadness is an instance of emotional state

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept SadFacialExpression Sadness) emotion.kif 1321-1321 Sad facial expression is internally related to sadness
(relatedInternalConcept SadVoiceUtterance Sadness) emotion.kif 1963-1963 Sad voice utterance is internally related to sadness
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Sadness "sadness") emotion.kif 1112-1112 Sad voice utterance is internally related to sadness
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Sadness "tristesse") emotion.kif 1121-1121 Sad voice utterance is internally related to sadness
(termFormat GermanLanguage Sadness "trauer") emotion.kif 1113-1113 Sad voice utterance is internally related to sadness
(termFormat SpanishLanguage Sadness "tristeza") emotion.kif 1114-1114 Sad voice utterance is internally related to sadness
(utterance EnglishLanguage Sadness "sad") emotion.kif 1120-1120 utterance english language, sadness and "sad"


    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?A Sadness))
        (exists (?FE)
                (instance ?FE SadFacialExpression)
                (experiencer ?FE ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?FE) ?T))) Likely))
emotion.kif 1325-1334


        (instance ?C Crying)
        (experiencer ?C ?H))
        (WhenFn ?C)
        (attribute ?H Sadness)))
emotion.kif 1141-1147
        (instance ?SVU SadVoiceUtterance)
        (agent ?SVU ?A))
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S Sadness)
            (experiencer ?S ?A)
            (causes ?S ?SVU))))
emotion.kif 1967-1975
        (instance ?W Weeping)
        (experiencer ?W ?A))
            (WhenFn ?W)
            (attribute ?A Sadness)) Likely))
emotion.kif 1602-1610

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