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Sigma KEE - RollingStock
RollingStock(rolling stock)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation RollingStock EnglishLanguage "A single rail car. Any RailVehicle that is not composed of other RailVehicles.") Transportation.kif 2266-2267
(externalImage RollingStock " 6/ 6b/ CP_autorail-X301.jpg") pictureList.kif 4940-4940
(externalImage RollingStock " 8/ 81/ Nagaragawa-Railway-Nagara1-5.JPG") pictureList.kif 5076-5076
(partition RollingStock PassengerRailcar FreightCar) Transportation.kif 2309-2309 Rolling stock is exhaustively partitioned into passenger railcar and freight car
(subclass RollingStock RailVehicle) Transportation.kif 2264-2264 Rolling stock is a subclass of rail vehicle

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint RoadVehicle RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2265-2265 Road vehicle is disjoint from rolling stock
(subclass CabCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2319-2319 Cab car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass ElectrifiedRailwayCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2334-2334 Electrified railway car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass FreightCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2308-2308 Freight car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass HeadEndCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2354-2354 Head end car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass Locomotive RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2284-2284 Locomotive is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass LocomotiveCoalCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2363-2363 Locomotive coal car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass MotorizedRailwayCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2279-2279 Motorized railway car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass OutfitCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2325-2325 Outfit car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass PassengerRailcar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2291-2291 Passenger railcar is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass PrivateRailcar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2384-2384 Private railcar is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass Railcar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2220-2220 Railcar is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass ScaleTestCar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2392-2392 Scale test car is a subclass of rolling stock
(subclass Streetcar RollingStock) Transportation.kif 2377-2377 Streetcar is a subclass of rolling stock
(termFormat ChineseLanguage RollingStock "波荡股") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50340-50340 Streetcar is a subclass of rolling stock
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage RollingStock "波蕩股") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50339-50339 Streetcar is a subclass of rolling stock
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RollingStock "rolling stock") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50338-50338 Streetcar is a subclass of rolling stock


    (instance ?TRAIN RollingStock)
        (exists (?X)
                (part ?X ?TRAIN)
                (instance ?X RollingStock)
                    (equal ?X ?TRAIN))))))
Transportation.kif 2269-2277


    (instance ?SHIP RailcarCarrierShip)
    (cargoType ?SHIP RollingStock))
Transportation.kif 2524-2526
    (instance ?TRAIN RollingStock)
        (exists (?X)
                (part ?X ?TRAIN)
                (instance ?X RollingStock)
                    (equal ?X ?TRAIN))))))
Transportation.kif 2269-2277
    (instance ?TRAIN Train)
    (exists (?X ?Y)
            (part ?X ?TRAIN)
            (part ?Y ?TRAIN)
            (instance ?X RollingStock)
            (instance ?Y RollingStock)
                (equal ?X ?Y)))))
Transportation.kif 2194-2203

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