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Sigma KEE - Rock
Rock(rock)clast, geode, rock, stone, wall_rock

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Rock EnglishLanguage "Rock is any naturally formed aggregate of one or more minerals, consolidated or not, with some degree of mineralogic and chemical constancy, in popular use the term is usually restricted to those aggregates that are hard, compact, and coherent.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 18163-18166
(partition Rock Boulder Cobble Pebble) Geography.kif 7257-7257 Rock is exhaustively partitioned into boulder, cobble, and pebble
(roomTempState Rock Solid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31676-31676 roomTempState rock and solid
(subclass Rock Substance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 18162-18162 Rock is a subclass of substance

appearance as argument number 2

(groundSubsurfaceType Mountain Rock) Geography.kif 4041-4041 Rock is a ground subsurface type of mountain
(groundSurfaceType Mountain Rock) Geography.kif 4040-4040 Rock is a ground surface type of mountain
(industryProductType StoneMiningAndQuarrying Rock) Economy.kif 1809-1809 Rock is an industry product type of stone mining and quarrying
(subclass Boulder Rock) Geography.kif 7309-7309 Boulder is a subclass of rock
(subclass Coal Rock) Geography.kif 2019-2019 Coal is a subclass of rock
(subclass Cobble Rock) Geography.kif 7286-7286 Cobble is a subclass of rock
(subclass Marble Rock) Geography.kif 4449-4449 Marble is a subclass of rock
(subclass Pebble Rock) Geography.kif 7263-7263 Pebble is a subclass of rock
(subclass Stone Rock) Geography.kif 4471-4471 Stone is a subclass of rock
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Rock "岩石") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50262-50262 Stone is a subclass of rock
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Rock "岩石") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50261-50261 Stone is a subclass of rock
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Rock "rock") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50260-50260 Stone is a subclass of rock


        (instance ?area GeographicArea)
        (groundSurfaceType ?area Rock))
        (attribute ?area FertileTerrain)))
Geography.kif 1824-1828
    (instance ?Rock Rock)
    (attribute ?Rock Solid))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18168-18170
    (instance ?Rock Rock)
    (exists (?Mineral)
            (instance ?Mineral Mineral)
            (part ?Mineral ?Rock))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18172-18177


        (instance ?RAPIDS Rapids)
        (bottom ?BOTTOM ?RAPIDS))
    (exists (?ROCK)
            (instance ?ROCK Rock)
            (part ?ROCK ?BOTTOM))))
Geography.kif 5646-5653
    (instance ?DESERT Desert)
        (groundSurfaceType ?DESERT Rock)
        (groundSurfaceType ?DESERT Sand)))
Geography.kif 6627-6631
    (instance ?Reef Reef)
    (exists (?Stuff)
                (instance ?Stuff Sand)
                (instance ?Stuff Rock)
                (instance ?Stuff Coral))
            (part ?Stuff ?Reef))))
Geography.kif 5949-5957
    (instance ?X Stoning)
    (exists (?ST)
            (instance ?ST Rock)
            (instrument ?X ?ST))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22367-22372

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