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Sigma KEE - RhomboidMinorMuscle
RhomboidMinorMuscle(rhomboid minor muscle)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation RhomboidMinorMuscle EnglishLanguage "The RhomboidMinorMuscle retracts ScapulaBone and rotates it to depress glenoid cavity, fixes ScapulaBone to thoracic wall.") Muscles.kif 1224-1224
(muscleInsertion RhomboidMinorMuscle MedialBorderOfScapulaSuperiorToInsertionOfRhomboidMajor) Muscles.kif 1221-1221 The insertion point of rhomboid minor muscle is MedialBorderOfScapulaSuperiorToInsertionOfRhomboidMajor
(muscleOrigin RhomboidMinorMuscle NuchalLigamentsAndSpinousProcessesOfC7ToT1Vertebrae) Muscles.kif 1220-1220 The origin of rhomboid minor muscle is NuchalLigamentsAndSpinousProcessesOfC7ToT1Vertebrae
(subclass RhomboidMinorMuscle Muscle) Muscles.kif 1218-1218 Rhomboid minor muscle is a subclass of muscle

appearance as argument number 2

(antagonistMuscles SerratusAnteriorMuscle RhomboidMinorMuscle) Muscles.kif 1225-1225 Serratus anterior muscle and rhomboid minor muscle are antagonist muscles
(ennervates DorsalScapularNerveC4AndC5 RhomboidMinorMuscle) Muscles.kif 1223-1223 ennervates dorsal scapular nerve (C4 and C5) and rhomboid minor muscle
(suppliesBlood DorsalScapularArtery RhomboidMinorMuscle) Muscles.kif 1222-1222 suppliesBlood DorsalScapularArtery and rhomboid minor muscle
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RhomboidMinorMuscle "rhomboid minor muscle") Muscles.kif 1219-1219 suppliesBlood DorsalScapularArtery and rhomboid minor muscle

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