ReproductiveBody(reproductive body) | Job's_tears, Mexican_jumping_bean, accessory_fruit, acinus, acorn, aggregate_fruit, algarroba, algarroba_bean, amaranth, antherozoid, apple_nut, archespore, archesporium, ariled, arillate, arthrospore, arthrosporic, arthrosporous, ascosporic, ascosporous, ash-key, bacca, basidial, basidiosporous, buckeye, buckthorn_berry, bur, burr, calabar_bean, calabash, capsulate, capsulated, carob, carob_bean, carposporic, carposporous, caryopsis, cedar_nut, cembra_nut, chickpea, cola_nut, conker, cormose, cormous, cowage, cubeb, divi-divi, drupe, drupelet, false_fruit... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ReproductiveBody ChineseLanguage "这是 Organism 的繁殖结构,它包括 Embryonic Object 和一个 营养/ 保护包。注:这个类别包括种子、孢子、 FruitOrVegetable 和由 Animal 排的蛋。") | chinese_format.kif 3499-3500 | |
(documentation ReproductiveBody EnglishLanguage "Reproductive structure of Organisms. Consists of an Embryonic Object and a nutritive/ protective envelope. Note that this class includes seeds, spores, and FruitOrVegetables, as well as the eggs produced by Animals.") | Merge.kif 15065-15068 | |
(externalImage ReproductiveBody " thumb/ 9/ 9e/ Senegal_egg_10s06.JPG/ 111px-Senegal_egg_10s06.JPG") | pictureList.kif 1232-1232 | |
(subclass ReproductiveBody BodyPart) | Merge.kif 15064-15064 | Reproductive body is a subclass of body part |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?BODY ReproductiveBody) (part ?BODY ?ORG) (instance ?ORG Organism)) (attribute ?ORG Female)) |
Merge.kif 18196-18201 |
consequent |