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Sigma KEE - ReligiousService
ReligiousService(religious service)committal_service, devotional, divine_service, none, religious_service, service, vesper

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ReligiousService EnglishLanguage "A formal process of public worship which is typically carried out in a church, temple or other sanctified building and which typically accords with a prescribed set of rules.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 8205-8207
(subclass ReligiousService Demonstrating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8204-8204 Religious service is a subclass of demonstrating
(subclass ReligiousService ReligiousProcess) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8203-8203 Religious service is a subclass of religious process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ChristianService ReligiousService) People.kif 779-779 Christian service is a subclass of religious service
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ReligiousService "宗教服务") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49476-49476 Christian service is a subclass of religious service
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ReligiousService "宗教服務") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49475-49475 Christian service is a subclass of religious service
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ReligiousService "religious service") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49474-49474 Christian service is a subclass of religious service


    (instance ?MIT BarMitzvah)
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC ReligiousService)
            (subProcess ?PROC ?MIT))))
Biography.kif 87-92
    (instance ?MIT BatMitzvah)
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC ReligiousService)
            (subProcess ?PROC ?MIT))))
Biography.kif 117-122
    (instance ?RF ReligiousFuneral)
    (exists (?S)
            (instance ?S ReligiousService)
            (subProcess ?S ?RF))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16246-16251
    (instance ?SERMON Sermon)
    (exists (?SERVICE)
            (instance ?SERVICE ReligiousService)
            (subProcess ?SERMON ?SERVICE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16160-16165
    (instance ?WED ReligiousWedding)
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC ReligiousService)
            (subProcess ?PROC ?WED))))
Biography.kif 56-61

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