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Sigma KEE - RecreationOrExerciseDevice
RecreationOrExerciseDevice(recreation or exercise device)Frisbee, Lego, Lego_set, Meccano, Meccano_set, cockhorse, dandle_board, dumbbell, exercising_weight, football_tee, free_weight, golf_tee, hula-hoop, jungle_gym, playground_slide, pogo_stick, seesaw, slide, sliding_board, stick_horse, swing, tee, teeter, teeter-totter, teeterboard, teetertotter, tilting_board, toy, weight

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation RecreationOrExerciseDevice EnglishLanguage "A Device whose purpose is RecreationOrExercise.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 2368-2368
(subclass RecreationOrExerciseDevice Device) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2367-2367 Recreation or exercise device is a subclass of device

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AerobicExerciseDevice RecreationOrExerciseDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8446-8446 Aerobic exercise device is a subclass of recreation or exercise device
(subclass AnaerobicExerciseDevice RecreationOrExerciseDevice) Mid-level-ontology.kif 8450-8450 Anaerobic exercise device is a subclass of recreation or exercise device
(termFormat ChineseLanguage RecreationOrExerciseDevice "娱乐或运动器材") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49056-49056 Anaerobic exercise device is a subclass of recreation or exercise device
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage RecreationOrExerciseDevice "娛樂或運動器材") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49055-49055 Anaerobic exercise device is a subclass of recreation or exercise device
(termFormat EnglishLanguage RecreationOrExerciseDevice "recreation or exercise device") domainEnglishFormat.kif 49054-49054 Anaerobic exercise device is a subclass of recreation or exercise device


    (instance ?D RecreationOrExerciseDevice)
    (hasPurpose ?D
        (exists (?E)
                (instance ?E RecreationOrExercise)
                (instrument ?E ?D)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2370-2376

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