Pursuing(pursuing) | audit, bag, bank_examination, batfowl, battue, beagling, berry, bird-nest, birdnest, birdnesting, blackberry, canned_hunt, capture, catch, chase, chase_after, check, clam, coursing, cruise, cull, dark_field_illumination, dark_ground_illumination, deerstalking, devastation, divine, dog, dowse, dowsing, duck_hunting, ducking, ensnare, entrap, examination, exploration, feel, ferret, fine-tooth_comb, fine-toothed_comb, fire_watching, fluorescence_microscopy, follow, following, forage, foraging, fox_hunting, foxhunt, frisk, frisking, frog... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Pursuing ChineseLanguage "这是寻找某样东西 IntentionalProcess 的类别。一些例子 如:狩猎、购物、拖网和跟踪") | chinese_format.kif 3226-3227 | |
(documentation Pursuing EnglishLanguage "The class of IntentionalProcesses where something is sought. Some examples would be hunting, shopping, trawling, and stalking.") | Merge.kif 12921-12922 | |
(subclass Pursuing IntentionalProcess) | Merge.kif 12920-12920 | Pursuing is a subclass of intentional process |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?PURSUE Pursuing) (agent ?PURSUE ?AGENT) (patient ?PURSUE ?OBJ)) (holdsDuring ?PURSUE (not (possesses ?AGENT ?OBJ)))) |
Merge.kif 12938-12943 |
(=> (and (instance ?PURSUE Pursuing) (agent ?PURSUE ?AGENT) (patient ?PURSUE ?OBJ)) (holdsDuring ?PURSUE (wants ?AGENT ?OBJ))) |
Merge.kif 12931-12936 |
(=> (instance ?PURSUE Pursuing) (exists (?OBJ) (and (instance ?OBJ Object) (patient ?PURSUE ?OBJ)))) |
Merge.kif 12924-12929 |
consequent |