ProfessionalAthlete(professional athlete) | hurdler |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation ProfessionalAthlete EnglishLanguage "ProfessionalAthlete is a person who is trained to compete in sports and makes his living from doing so.") | Sports.kif 1354-1355 | |
(subclass ProfessionalAthlete SkilledOccupation) | Sports.kif 1353-1353 | Professional athlete is a subclass of skilled occupation |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA) (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete)) (exists (?GAME) (and (instance ?GAME Sport) (contestParticipant ?GAME ?ATHLETE)))) |
Sports.kif 1364-1371 |
(=> (and (attribute ?ATHLETE ?PA) (instance ?PA ProfessionalAthlete)) (hasSkill Sport ?ATHLETE)) |
Sports.kif 1358-1362 |