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Sigma KEE - Procedure
Procedure(procedure)ABO_blood_group_system, ABO_group, ABO_system, Aristotelian_logic, Benday_process, Bertillon_system, Brix_scale, EAS, ECC, Emergency_Alert_System, Gram's_method, Gram's_procedure, Gram's_stain, Gram_method, Gram_stain, Gregorian_calendar, Hebrew_calendar, Hindu_calendar, Islamic_calendar, Jewish_calendar, Julian_calendar, Mohammedan_calendar, Morse, Morse_code, Moslem_calendar, Muhammadan_calendar, Muslim_calendar, New_Style_calendar, Old_Style_calendar, Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient, Revolutionary_calendar, Roman_calendar, SOP, Socratic_method, accounting, accrual_basis, algorithm, algorithmic, algorithmic_program, algorithmic_rule, analytical_review, antialiasing, arrangement, bail, balance_of_international_payments, balance_of_payments, bonding, bureaucratic_procedure, cash_basis, cataloged_procedure...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Procedure ChineseLanguage "这是一种安照序列执行的模式。一些例子有 ComputerProgram、 有限状态机、食谱、音阶、会议时间表、行车路线和戏剧和电影的剧本。") chinese_format.kif 3759-3760
(documentation Procedure EnglishLanguage "A sequence-dependent specification. Some examples are ComputerPrograms, finite-state machines, cooking recipes, musical scores, conference schedules, driving directions, and the scripts of plays and movies.") Merge.kif 16849-16852
(subclass Procedure Proposition) Merge.kif 16848-16848 Procedure is a subclass of proposition

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BestMatchAlgorithm Procedure) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2269-2269 Best match sort is a subclass of procedure
(subclass CodingScheme Procedure) QoSontology.kif 2164-2164 Coding scheme is a subclass of procedure
(subclass ComputerProgram Procedure) Merge.kif 16854-16854 Computer program is a subclass of procedure
(subclass ComputerProtocol Procedure) ComputingBrands.kif 1718-1718 Computer protocol is a subclass of procedure
(subclass EncodingProcedure Procedure) QoSontology.kif 2255-2255 Encoding procedure is a subclass of procedure
(subclass Method Procedure) engineering.kif 1161-1161 Method is a subclass of procedure
(subclass Orthography Procedure) Mid-level-ontology.kif 683-683 Orthography is a subclass of procedure
(subclass Plan Procedure) Merge.kif 16869-16869 Plan is a subclass of procedure
(subclass Software Procedure) ComputerInput.kif 808-808 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Procedure "程序") chinese_format.kif 1232-1232 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Procedure "procedure") english_format.kif 1685-1685 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Procedure "proc�dure") french_format.kif 910-910 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat Hindi Procedure "kriyaa vidhi") terms-hindi.txt 443-443 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Procedure "Procedura") terms-it.txt 446-446 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Procedure "手順") japanese_format.kif 2594-2594 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Procedure "Procedimento") portuguese_format.kif 862-862 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat cb Procedure "pagpa-agi") terms-cb.txt 448-448 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat cz Procedure "procedure") terms-cz.txt 482-482 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat ro Procedure "procedurã") relations-ro.kif 931-931 Software is a subclass of procedure
(termFormat tg Procedure "pamamaraan") terms-tg.txt 447-447 Software is a subclass of procedure

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