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Sigma KEE - Primate
Adapid, Adapid_group, Anthropoidea, Arctocebus, Avahi, Cynocephalidae, Cynocephalus, Cynocephalus_variegatus, Daubentonia, Daubentoniidae, Dermoptera, Indriidae, Lemuroidea, Lorisidae, Nycticebus, Omomyid, Omomyid_group, Perodicticus, Primates, Prosimii, Ptilocercus, Scandentia, Strepsirhini, Tarsiidae, Tarsioidea, Tarsius, Tarsius_glis, Tarsius_syrichta, Tupaia, Tupaiidae, anthropoid, colugo, family_Cynocephalidae, family_Daubentoniidae, family_Indriidae, family_Lorisidae, family_Tarsiidae, family_Tupaiidae, flying_cat, flying_lemur, genus_Arctocebus, genus_Avahi, genus_Cynocephalus, genus_Daubentonia, genus_Galago, genus_Indri, genus_Loris, genus_Nycticebus, genus_Perodicticus, genus_Ptilocercus...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjointDecomposition Primate Ape Monkey Hominid) Merge.kif 14673-14673 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(documentation Primate ChineseLanguage "这是 PrimateMammal Class。") chinese_format.kif 3434-3434 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(documentation Primate EnglishLanguage "The Class of Mammals which are Primates.") Merge.kif 14674-14675 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(externalImage Primate " a1/ 723px-Orang-utan_bukit_lawang_2006.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 237-237 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(externalImage Primate " 1/ 1f/ Ring_tailed_lemurs.jpg/ 250px-Ring_tailed_lemurs.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 236-236 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(externalImage Primate " 3/ 3e/ Mandrillus_sphinx_2_(Piotr_Kuczynski).jpg/ 800px-Mandrillus_sphinx_2_(Piotr_Kuczynski).jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 235-235 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(externalImage Primate " 9f/ Primate-in-cage-restraint.jpeg/ 200px-Primate-in-cage-restraint.jpeg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 234-234 Primate is disjointly decomposed into ape, monkey, and hominid
(subclass Primate Mammal) Merge.kif 14672-14672 Primate is a subclass of mammal

appearance as argument number 2

(initialPart Bone Primate) Anatomy.kif 21-21 Every bone is initially part of a primate
(subclass Ape Primate) Merge.kif 14677-14677 Ape is a subclass of primate
(subclass Hominid Primate) Merge.kif 14685-14685 Hominid is a subclass of primate
(subclass Lemur Primate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30728-30728 Lemur is a subclass of primate
(subclass Monkey Primate) Merge.kif 14681-14681 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Primate "灵长类动物") chinese_format.kif 998-998 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Primate "primate") english_format.kif 1203-1203 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Primate "primate") french_format.kif 675-675 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat Hindi Primate "vikasita pashuvarga") terms-hindi.txt 206-206 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Primate "Primato") terms-it.txt 209-209 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Primate "霊長類") japanese_format.kif 2359-2359 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Primate "Primata") portuguese_format.kif 627-627 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat cz Primate "primate") terms-cz.txt 243-243 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat ro Primate "primatã") relations-ro.kif 696-696 Monkey is a subclass of primate
(termFormat tg Primate "Primado") terms-tg.txt 210-210 Monkey is a subclass of primate


        (instance ?H Primate)
        (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?H ?D)))
    (exists (?L1 ?L2)
            (instance ?L1 Foot)
            (instance ?L2 Foot)
                (equal ?L1 ?L2))
            (part ?L1 ?H)
            (part ?L2 ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12927-12940
        (instance ?H Primate)
        (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?H ?D)))
    (exists (?L1 ?L2)
            (instance ?L1 Leg)
            (instance ?L2 Leg)
                (equal ?L1 ?L2))
            (part ?L1 ?H)
            (part ?L2 ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12900-12913
        (instance ?H Primate)
        (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?H ?D)))
    (exists (?L1 ?L2)
            (instance ?L1 Lung)
            (instance ?L2 Lung)
                (equal ?L1 ?L2))
            (part ?L1 ?H)
            (part ?L2 ?H))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11416-11429


    (instance ?ARM Arm)
    (exists (?PRIMATE)
            (instance ?PRIMATE Primate)
            (part ?ARM ?PRIMATE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12680-12685
    (instance ?B Breast)
    (exists (?P)
            (instance ?P Primate)
            (part ?B ?P))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13059-13064
    (instance ?SHOULDER Shoulder)
    (exists (?PRIMATE)
            (instance ?PRIMATE Primate)
            (part ?SHOULDER ?PRIMATE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13003-13008

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