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Sigma KEE - PrimaryColor
PrimaryColor(primary color)
primary_color, primary_color_for_light, primary_color_for_pigments, primary_colour, primary_colour_for_light, primary_colour_for_pigments

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PrimaryColor ChineseLanguage "这些颜色可以混合成为任何颜色,而且它们都不能从其他颜色 衍生而成。") chinese_format.kif 3947-3948
(documentation PrimaryColor EnglishLanguage "Colors which can be blended to form any color and which cannot be derived from any other colors.") Merge.kif 17745-17746
(externalImage PrimaryColor " a/ a7/ Stop_sign_MUTCD.svg") pictureList.kif 1935-1935
(subclass PrimaryColor ColorAttribute) Merge.kif 17744-17744 Primary color is a subclass of color attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Black PrimaryColor) Merge.kif 17760-17760 Black is an instance of primary color
(instance Blue PrimaryColor) Merge.kif 17751-17751 Blue is an instance of primary color
(instance Red PrimaryColor) Merge.kif 17748-17748 Red is an instance of primary color
(instance White PrimaryColor) Merge.kif 17757-17757 White is an instance of primary color
(instance Yellow PrimaryColor) Merge.kif 17754-17754 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PrimaryColor "原色") chinese_format.kif 1253-1253 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PrimaryColor "primary color") english_format.kif 1727-1727 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat FrenchLanguage PrimaryColor "couleur primaire") french_format.kif 931-931 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat Hindi PrimaryColor "praathamika varNa") terms-hindi.txt 465-465 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat ItalianLanguage PrimaryColor "ColorePirmario") terms-it.txt 468-468 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage PrimaryColor "原色") japanese_format.kif 2615-2615 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage PrimaryColor "Cor Primaria") portuguese_format.kif 883-883 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat cz PrimaryColor "primary color") terms-cz.txt 504-504 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat ro PrimaryColor "culoare primarã") relations-ro.kif 952-952 Yellow is an instance of primary color
(termFormat tg PrimaryColor "batayang kulay") terms-tg.txt 469-469 Yellow is an instance of primary color


        (attribute ?OBJ Monochromatic)
        (superficialPart ?PART ?OBJ)
        (attribute ?PART ?COLOR)
        (instance ?COLOR PrimaryColor))
    (forall (?ELEMENT)
            (superficialPart ?ELEMENT ?OBJ)
            (attribute ?ELEMENT ?COLOR))))
Merge.kif 17767-17776


        (instance ?COLOR SecondaryColor)
        (attribute ?OBJ ?COLOR))
            (result ?PROCESS ?OBJ)
            (resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE1)
            (resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE2)
            (attribute ?RESOURCE1 ?PRIMARY1)
            (attribute ?RESOURCE2 ?PRIMARY2)
            (instance ?PRIMARY1 PrimaryColor)
            (instance ?PRIMARY2 PrimaryColor)
                (equal ?PRIMARY1 ?PRIMARY2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19637-19650

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