PoliticalProcess(political process) | Europeanise, Europeanize, Nazification, Satyagraha, Stalinisation, Stalinization, abrogation, action, activist, activistic, ally_with, annulment, anti-war_movement, apolitical, ascend, banish, bar, bolshevise, bolshevize, bossism, break_away, call_up, campaign, campaigning, candidacy, candidature, cause, centralisation, centralization, centrifugal, charm_campaign, civil_disobedience, coexist, collectivisation, collectivization, colonisation, colonise, colonization, colonize, communisation, communise, communization, communize, compliance, confederate, conscript, constitutionally, consumerism, contumacy, correctional_rehabilitation... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation PoliticalProcess ChineseLanguage "这是由官方成立政府举行、支持或反对官方成立的政府的 OrganizationalProcess。例子会是投票就拟议的立法、选举政府代表或甚至是推翻政府的革命。") | chinese_format.kif 2959-2960 | |
(documentation PoliticalProcess EnglishLanguage "An OrganizationalProcess carried out by, for or against officially constituted governments. Some examples would be voting on proposed legislation, electing a government representative, or even overthrowing a government in a revolution.") | Merge.kif 10786-10789 | |
(documentation PoliticalProcess JapaneseLanguage "OrganizationalProcess は、正式に構成さ れた政府に対して、またはそれに対して行われる。例えば、提案された法律の投票、政府の代表者選出、革命 での政府転覆など。") | japanese_format.kif 1714-1716 | |
(subclass PoliticalProcess OrganizationalProcess) | Merge.kif 10784-10784 | Political process is a subclass of organizational process |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?PROC PoliticalProcess) (exists (?POL) (and (or (instance ?POL Government) (exists (?GOV) (and (instance ?GOV Government) (member ?POL ?GOV)))) (or (agent ?PROC ?POL) (patient ?PROC ?POL))))) |
Merge.kif 10791-10803 |
consequent |