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Sigma KEE - PoliticalParty
PoliticalParty(political party)
American_Federalist_Party, American_Labor_Party, American_Party, Anti-Masonic_Party, Australian_Labor_Party, Black_Panthers, British_Labour_Party, Bull_Moose_Party, Conservative_Party, Constitutional_Union_Party, Democratic-Republican_Party, Dixiecrats, Farmer-Labor_Party, Federal_Party, Federalist_Party, Free_Soil_Party, Gironde, Green_Party, Greenback_Party, Guomindang, Know-Nothing_Party, Kuomintang, Labor, Labour, Labour_Party, Liberal_Democrat_Party, Liberal_Party, Liberty_Party, Militant_Tendency, Opposition, People's_Party, Populist_Party, Progressive_Party, Prohibition_Party, Social_Democratic_Party, Socialist_Labor_Party, Socialist_Party, States'_Rights_Democratic_Party, Whig_Party, labor_party, labour_party, party, political_party, third_party, war_party

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PoliticalParty EnglishLanguage "PoliticalParty is the class of PoliticalOrganizations that may sponsor candidates for Elections.") Government.kif 2216-2217
(externalImage PoliticalParty " 6/ 6b/ ElezioneBrunate.jpg") pictureList.kif 6779-6779
(subclass PoliticalParty PoliticalOrganization) Government.kif 2214-2214 Political party is a subclass of political organization

appearance as argument number 2

(instance DemocraticPartyUS PoliticalParty) Government.kif 4830-4830 Democratic party is an instance of political party
(instance NaziParty PoliticalParty) Government.kif 2240-2240 Nazi party is an instance of political party
(instance RepublicanPartyUS PoliticalParty) Government.kif 4835-4835 Republican party is an instance of political party
(subclass CommunistParty PoliticalParty) Government.kif 2224-2224 Communist party is a subclass of political party
(subclass PoliticalCoalition PoliticalParty) Government.kif 2208-2208 Political coalition is a subclass of political party
(termFormat ChineseLanguage PoliticalParty "政治党派") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46545-46545 Political coalition is a subclass of political party
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage PoliticalParty "政治黨派") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46544-46544 Political coalition is a subclass of political party
(termFormat EnglishLanguage PoliticalParty "political party") domainEnglishFormat.kif 46543-46543 Political coalition is a subclass of political party

appearance as argument number 3

(domain politicalPartyOfCountry 1 PoliticalParty) Government.kif 2190-2190 The number 1 argument of political party of country is an instance of political party


        (occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?POSITION ?ORGANIZATION)
        (instance ?ORGANIZATION PoliticalParty))
Government.kif 2259-2263
        (subclass ?PLATFORM PartyPlatform)
        (authors ?PARTY ?PLATFORM)
        (instance ?PARTY PoliticalParty)
        (instance ?INST ?PLATFORM)
        (containsFormula ?INST ?P))
    (believes ?PARTY ?P))
Government.kif 2295-2302