PhysicalState(physical state) | aerosolised, aerosolized, chaos, creaminess, fluid, form, gelatinousness, glutinosity, glutinousness, isomeric, negative_charge, phase, positive_charge, semifluidity, semiliquid, semisolid, soupiness, state, state_of_matter, thickness, thinness, viscosity, viscousness |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation PhysicalState ChineseLanguage "这是一个 Object 的物理状态。这个 Class 有三个 具体的实例:Solid, Liquid, and Gas。从一个物质转换到另外一个物质的特征不是物理变化,反而是该物质 形式的改变(物理状态)。例如:把铁定溶掉所得的物质仍然叫铁。") | chinese_format.kif 3921-3923 | |
(documentation PhysicalState EnglishLanguage "The physical state of an Object. There are three reified instances of this Class: Solid, Liquid, and Gas. Physical changes are not characterized by the transformation of one substance into another, but rather by the change of the form (physical states) of a given substance. For example, melting an iron nail yields a substance still called iron.") | Merge.kif 17623-17628 | |
(exhaustiveAttribute PhysicalState Solid Liquid Gas Plasma) | Merge.kif 17622-17622 | Solid are all the attributes of physical state |
(subclass PhysicalState InternalAttribute) | Merge.kif 17620-17620 | Physical state is a subclass of internal attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain precipitationState 2 PhysicalState) | Weather.kif 1171-1171 | The number 2 argument of precipitation state is an instance of physical state |
(domain roomTempState 2 PhysicalState) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 31939-31939 | The number 2 argument of roomTempState is an instance of physical state |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?ATTR PhysicalState) (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR)) (instance ?OBJ Substance)) |
Merge.kif 17655-17659 |
consequent |